I have completed the #MyNine fitness and nutrition program with GI Jess. I’m really not an exercise person and I love my food. So this was not an easy thing for me to do. I’ve already written quite a bit about the exercise routines and food in previous posts; this post is just my final thoughts on how getting into this routine has been beneficial for me.

Up until now I really haven’t had much of an exercise program at all and I haven’t been motivated to start one either. This course, and being accountable for results, has been a motivator. I have become used to exercising on alternate mornings and getting into my workout clothes. Just the act of putting on my leggings and takkies gives me a lot of energy. I’m pleased that I’m into this routine and my day doesn’t feel complete without doing exercise. I think I might go back to 3-4 times a week as this last stretch has been brutal every day. I would normally collapse by Thursday and different body parts have been aching, but I have been getting fit.
Regarding fitness, Jess recommended a bit of a before and after exercise so that we could see how this time has changed my level of fitness. So, before working out with Jess I was managing to do 10 sit ups, 11 push ups from my knees, 22 squats and 13 star jumps in a 45 second time period (each). After the nine weeks I can now do 24 sit ups, 17 push ups, 40 squats and 21 star jumps in the same time period. This is a huge achievement for me.

I’ve already written in the last post about centimetre loss and in the last three weeks I lost a further 1 cm on my stomach and 1 cm on my hips. In total I lost 6 cm on my waist, 5 cm on my stomach and 3 cm on my hips. This is something I will continue to work on with her exercises.
There are some other side benefits of this exercise routine I would just like to note because they aren’t obvious but they are valuable to me. First the pain I always seem to have in my shoulders has gone due to all that weight lifting (exercising that shoulder muscle has really helped). The other benefit is that my blood pressure has also kept at a low figure – this one is a bit more difficult to measure because I haven’t been keeping careful track. But 128/88 is really good considering how it went up mid year to some really hectic figures like 150/100 and I have been taking extra meds for this as well.
I’m hoping to keep up the routine and reap the rewards for my health too. If you’re looking for a routine to do at home I highly recommend GI Jess. Read my other two posts about the program here (getting started) and here (midway).

Tell me all your motivating tips!!
Check out Jess’s website here and you can also follow her on Facebook and Instagram.
Disclaimer: I have been provided with the program in exchange for the posts.
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