What an incredible journey the #AckermansBYYSAPBAwards has been! With the power of Ackermans‘s financial support for the first time with these awards and the support and marketing aid from BabyYumYum.co.za, the S A Parenting Blog Awards has risen to new levels! I’m so grateful for this!
Most of all, though, I am grateful to you, the blogger, for getting out that computer and typing your heart away. For spending time inspiring and uplifting other moms on your journey. For taking the time to enter and spreading the word about the awards. For all the support you have given these awards – I thank you!
Thank you to our judges, who spent a lot of time going through all the entries – you are appreciated: Terrance Mentor, Kate Macfarlane, Salamina Mosese, Crystal-Donna Roberts and Sonya Naude.
And did the judges think of your entries?
The judges have made a great selection this year, and the quality of these entries are really good. I’m so impressed with the writing. Our moms are really stepping up … and it’s going to be a tough call. – Final judge Sonya Naude.
So let’s get on to those winners

Best Blog Post Food Runner up: Rebecca Badrodin In These Stilettos – 15 Minute Meals: Beef with Broccoli
Though not fully a food blog, the food feature here is well planned and done in much the same way that the food blogs do it. This is a seasoned blogger with good ideas for content. Salamina Mosese

Great concept for a series. Bring it on! Sonya Naude
Best Blog Post Food Winner: Teresa Ulyate: Cupcakes and Couscous Apple Crumble Cupcakes
Good recipes, well laid out, great pictures, and easy to follow steps. Salamina Mosese
Just marvelous! Jam-packed with ideas, tips and tricks. And they look so easy. Sonya Naude
Highly Commended in the Finance category: Mapalo Makhu – Woman & Finance for The Best Investments to Make in your 20’s and 30’s. and 2022 Will Be What You Make It. Experienced voice in finance, reads like professional advice. Salamina Mosese
Best Blog Post Financial Runner Up: Zeenah Rahim: Mother of 7 The grocery budget plug Practical advice that is easy to implement and apply in one’s life. Salamina Mosese
Best Blog Post Financial Winner: Aisha O’Reilly: How to Save and Start Investing for Beginners.

As always, I’m no money expert. I’m still learning with all of you. But what’s always worked for us is when we agree on a goal, and no matter what, stick to it and keep saving until we reach it. It’s important to know where we’re saving our money.
Good content on setting financial goals. Salamina Mosese
Her explanations of complex financial info is simple and relatable. So useful for young parents. Sonya Naude
Highly Commended in the humour category: Luchae Williams: My Spreadsheet Brain for It’s beginning to look a lot like… Humorous, tongue-in-cheek, enjoyable. Salamina Mosese
Best Blog Post Humour Runner Up: Kirsten Nel The Bird & The Beard for Marriage Hacks to Survive Children Funny, easy to follow and a quirky take on marriage, parenting and life. Salamina Mosese A blog that pulls no punches – and we love her for that. High five Kirsten! Sonya Naude
Best Blog Post Humour Winner: Amy Lalouette: Mommy’s Off Her Meds for A Walking, Talking Blessing in Disguise.

When I later related the story to the Best Friend she nodded sagely. “There’s only one way to deal with this; you need to find a child who behaves even worse than yours and has a mother who is more incompetent than you.”
“That’s the problem! There are no children worse, or mothers more incompetent! My child is that child! And I am that mother!”
Without missing a beat the Best Friend said, “That’s wonderful! Think of what a blessing you are to all the moms around you. You make them feel so much better about themselves. That’s an awesome thing to do for others!”
Such a refreshing, honest blog. Amy is incredibly funny – and a talented writer that knows just how to craft her sentences to keep us entertained and hanging on for more. Sonya Naude
Health and Wellness
Highly Commended in the Health and Wellness category: Tamlin Wightman: With Child & I for 37 weeks of your heart beating beside mine
Best Blog Post Health and Wellness Runner Up: Tracey Kaydence: Kaydence (Helping moms keep their rhythm) for How a weighted blanket took a weight off my shoulders Excellent content and subject matter, topical with good images. Salamina Mosese

Best Blog Post Health and Wellness Winner: Waheeda Joosab: What Wayd Says for The Key to Self Love
You don’t need to feel particularly powerful at all times in order to love yourself. Just think about all you have done, how far you have come, how you survived. Being here, right now, is all that you need. Self-love does not happen overnight and it does not stick with you effortlessly. You have to work on it and, with time, it will settle itself into your heart. Be patient with yourself, be consistent in your mindset and, pretty soon, you will be in love with YOU.
An interesting take on a wellness topic. Self-love is well explained and this provides a great angle to a well known topic. Salamina Mosese
Best Blog Post Parenting Runner Up: Mponeng Mokoena: Ari’s Mom for I tell my daughter she is beautiful Reads like a personal diary. Thoughtful passages with touching content. Leaves one feeling like they are close to the family. Salamina Mosese
Best Parenting Blog Post Winner: Kirsten Nel The Bird & the Beard for I’m an Average Mom and I don’t give a S***

When my child takes aim and throws a book at his brother’s head, I’m not going to whisper sweet nothings to calm him down, but I’m also not going to wallop him into next Tuesday.
I’ll probably veer wildly between parenting styles in the space of a few minutes, upsetting the child, myself and the dog, pray to God that nobody is watching me but wondering where my village is to help me.
Then, at the end of the day, I’ll sit quietly amidst the chaos and sip my wine, convinced that I’m going to be the reason my child grows up to be a drug dealer.
It seems that I can’t win, with myself or my kids or the Facebook parenting groups.
And I guess that’s just the way it’s going to be. Sorry, kids – you got stuck with an average mom. But you know what? I have a sneaky suspicion I’m not the only one, amiright?
Kirsten holds our attention from the very first sentence, to the last. Refreshing and honest. Sonya Naude
Highly Commended in the inspiration category: Lisa Trollip: Forts & Fairies We keep on keeping on (Durban Floods 2022) Well laid out blog, great content, uplifting and light. Inspiring message without it being preachy. Salamina Mosese
Best Inspirational Post Runner Up: Unathi Mbonambi Our Kinda Family for The grass is greener where it’s watered Interesting family with a unique approach to blogging and content creation. Salamina Mosese
Best Inspirational Post Winner: Tamlin Wightman: With Child & I for Dear Baby

In two days, we will have The Scan. The Scan that will tell us whether we can start the gardening, building, baking… the making of you, baby. When the time is right, Dr Tam Tam and your mom, and the sperm of a man whom we know is tall, and has no genetic diseases, will come together in the not so romantic setting of a hospital bed in a tiny room on the second floor of a building in Wilderness Road. Wilderness Road, that’s a name meant for us. And so it will begin.
Crafts and Things to do with Kids
Highly Commended in the Crafts and Things to Do with Kids category: Judy Macgregor: Fun Mama SA for 22 Rainy Day Activities to Keep the Kids Busy Well crafted content, varied topics and interesting things for children. Salamina Mosese
Best Blog Post Crafts and Things to Do with Kids Runner Up: Rebecca Badrodin: In These Stilettos for Sensory Play: Easy DIY Dinosaur Eggs Instructions are clear, easy to follow and understand. Included videos. Salamina Mosese Simple and practical – what’s not to love? Sonya Naude

Best Blog Post Crafts and Things to Do with Kids Winner: Lindall Atkins: Nwabisa’s Little Things for The Swing Makeover (also DIY Advent Activity Calendar)
Growing up, primary colours and play sets went together like PB & J. These days we’ve learnt that kids play things don’t have to be an ugly eyesore in our garden. They can be bright, they can be monochrome, they can be anything we like. It is possible that a kids playset be both fun and beautiful. Here’s how I gave an old swing set a modern makeover that my kids…and I, love.
Love the way these ambitious projects come together! And the DIY calendar is genius! Her creativity knows no bounds. Can’t wait to see more. Sonya Naude
Travel and Photography
Highly Commended in the Travel & Photography category: Susann Deysel: Living Our Sunshine for We Stayed at the Castle in Clarens Fun content with an endearing quality. The blogger goes from subject to subject with ease. Salamina Mosese Blog has loads of potential – you had me with the castle! Refreshing angles – keep it up! We want more. Sonya Naude

Best Blog Post Travel & Photography Runner Up: Sara Essop: In Africa & Beyond for A Delightful Family Safari at Mabula Game Lodge

Best Blog Post Travel & Photography Winner: Mari-Louise Candiotes: Just a Mamma for Pet Friendly Accomodation South Africa: Tegwaan Country Getaway Excellent content of an international quality. Great pictures. Sells the family trip and makes it admirable. Engaging content from start to finish. Salamina Mosese A clear winner! When’s the next adventure? Sonya Naude

Social media: Photo and Text

Highly Commended in the Best Use of Social Media, Pictures and Text category: Katiso Dumo: OT Boy Mamma Kat for this post and this post.
Loads of potential – keep up the great work! Sonya Naude
Best Use of Social Media: Picture and Text Runner Up: Shante Hutton: Rose & Thorns for this post.
Her posts turn to magic with the intimate captures of her family. Sonya Naude

Best Use of Social Media: Picture and Text Winner: Aisha O’Reilly: Aisha & Life
Aisha’s a pro – copy & pics complement each other perfectly to deliver a powerful message. Sonya Naude
Social Media: Video and Reels

Highly Commended in the Best Use of Social Media: Videos and Reels category: Caitie Moore, Thoresby Cottage for this post and this post.

We always love a good hack – the ribbon reel is genius! Sonya Naude
Best Use of Social Media: Videos and Reels Runner Up: Firdows: Miss Mommy Blog for this post and this post.
She gets us! Such fun videos and reels. You go girl! Sonya Naude
Best Use of Social Media: Videos and Reels Winner: Shante Hutton: Rose & Thorns
Genius! So well thought out – and honestly, it was the dinos that clinched it for me. Sonya Naude
So…. you’ve scrolled this far.. are you curious? Who is the winner?
Best Parenting Blog 2022:
Highly Commended for Best Parenting Blog 2022: Kate Botha: Wearing all my hats for Made to Need You and Life Update. Kate is a phenomenal writer – her words cut deep to deliver a unique, insightful experience. Please don’t stop writing Kate. Sonya Naude
Highly Commended for Best Parenting Blog 2022: Lindall Atkins: Nwabisa’s Little Things for A Mommy and Me Valentine’s Day Playdate and DIY Tooth Fairy Starter Kit. Such creative flair deserves applause! So well executed to inspire us, too. Sonya Naude
Best Parenting Blog 2022 Runner Up: Tamlin Wightman: With Child & I for Your Birth Day and The Phone Call. Crisp writing, beautiful turn of phrases, nice pace. What a pleasure to read Tamlin’s extraordinary journey to motherhood. What I loved is the intimacy she created with her choice of words – a touching blog overall. Sonya Naude
And now for that R10 000 winner!
Best Parenting Blog 2022 Winner
Mari-Louise Candiotes! For Just A Mama Secondary Infertility Support – When there’s no rainbow at the end of the storm and Groovy Princess Poppy Trolls Birthday Party Plus Free Printables
This post is written from my heart. The heart of a mother that knows loss and disappointment as we’ve walked the path of trying to conceive for the past 4 years. We’ve gone through treatments, surgery, diets, supplements, every fertility kit, and ovulation test and now find ourselves on the other side. We may not be a baby richer but that doesn’t mean this journey hasn’t been fruitful. I am writing this post to offer secondary infertility support to other women that may be experiencing the same because it’s easy to talk about the storm while cradling your rainbow baby but not having that rainbow doesn’t make YOU or the road you have traveled any less worthy or important.

A visual story teller extraordinaire – and so versatile. Copy is kept to a minimum, but everything about her blogs is carefully thought out and crafted to be an engaging, useful experience. Such a talented mama! Sonya Naude
And that’s a wrap folks! Thank you, bloggers, for sharing your writings with us! We are touched and inspired to read your words.
And thank you, BabyYumYum.co.za and Ackermans for believing in us. We appreciate the support.