Does any of this sound familiar?
You really want to set up your own website to promote your business, but you have no clue where to start. You want to take your influencing career to the next level by having a self-hosted blog, but you don’t know the steps. You’re someone who always wanted to write a blog, the words are pouring out of you with nowhere to go, but how?
Problem One:
Tech overwhelm!
Every time you start Googling you come up with ten different posts all saying different things and you get more confused than ever.
Problem Two:
False promises of money and that it will be easy!
There are a lot of people out there, especially in your social media feeds, that promise you that you are going to make a whole lot of money with their way of doing things. That might of worked for them, but will it work for you? Also, they promise that it will work in a short space of time. In reality, in building a site, you often hit a snag, and it’s better to be prepared with how to deal with it.
Problem Three:
Expert help is expensive!
WordPress developers can charge hundreds of dollars to set up and then there’s an ongoing cost if you want to change something.
What if you could….
- do a course that shows, with step by step videos, exactly how to set up a WordPress blog?
- do a course that doesn’t give you false promises of riches, but rather gives you a new WordPress blog or website that will bring you business and, if you’re interested, give you links to places you can sign up to make money as a blogger. But you have to do the work.
- do a course that is incredibly real and includes mistakes and problems – and how they are overcome.
- a course that gives the power to you to set up your site and make changes without the expense.
Start a WordPress Blog from Scratch

The no fluff WordPress set up guide – The South African version.
Yes, I’ll be using some tools from the USA, but only those that work in SA.
This is not an airbrushed perfect course.
This is a very real course about setting up a blog – all the problems I encountered and how I solved them.
What kind of problems, you ask?
- The time when I couldn’t put the payment through for the domain. I had to get help from the chatbox to sort that one out.
- The time when I couldn’t load my theme. I had to get help from the host again.
- The time when I couldn’t install Google Analytics and why and how I fixed it.
- The time when my blog post didn’t want to appear on my home page and how I sorted that out.
- The time when I realised my permalink was still stuck on the date and I had to fix it.
- The time I got kicked out of Facebook groups and why.
You see, I’d rather tell you all the times I failed and what I did to fix those problems than overwhelm you with pretty pictures of success.
Although I do promise that I can take your blank website from this to this: (see example site I worked with here)

All you have to do is put the work in. Watch about five hours of my videos.
Here is what you get in the curriculum:
- Your WHAT and WHY: What do you want to blog about? And why?
- Setting up: Hosting, domain and and adding WordPress to your blog.
- Appearance: Setting up a theme, making your logo and flavicon, making your menu, editing your home page, four essential pages for your blog and creating a permalink.
- Blog post: How to do a blog post.
- Setting up your email and creating a list: Creating a professional email and putting it in your Gmail, Mailing list providers and creating an opt in form.
- Social media: Using Facebook and Instagram to promote your posts.
- Plugins: Overview, then setting up plugins for Google Analytics, Akismet Anti Spam and Social Media sharing icons.
- Ideas to make money and relevant links for SA mom bloggers plus some international ones too.
This course is for you if:
- You are tired of searching aimlessly for information that you’re not even sure will work in SA.
- You are tired of scrolling through all the experts who are earning loads of money but are far removed from what you want to do.
- You are motivated to set up your own beautiful blog or website and set up your own space on the web.
- You are willing to work through any tech glitches that come up, and not get discouraged, and ask for help.
This course is NOT for you if:
- You want to make money fast.
- You don’t want to learn about a new platform.
- You aren’t open to someone making mistakes and learning from them and you’re looking for someone presenting something where everything goes perfectly.
- You aren’t prepared to do the work involved in setting up a blog.

Meet your teacher!
Hi! I’m Heather! I’m an online English teacher and a blogger. This is my office where I teach and blog. I’m a widow and a mom to Nicholas, who is ten years old.
I’ve been blogging for over ten years and am the founder of South African Mom Blogs: bringing mom bloggers and brands together. Over the years I’ve hosted meetups and have Facebook groups to support the local mom bloggers. I also run the #AckermansBYYSAPBAwards which is an opportunity for South African parenting bloggers to showcase their work and win prizes, together with sponsors Ackermans and BabyYumYum.co.za.
I’ve often gotten emails and questions from people over the years asking how to start a blog but I never got around to doing it. I also felt a bit weird doing it because I really don’t consider myself an expert, I’m just a mom who has been doing it a long time and has figured out a few things.
So here it is… finally! Step by step videos on how to set up your WordPress blog from scratch!
Start your WordPress Blog Now!
Don’t wait years to start your dream blog or website. It doesn’t have to be perfect. But you do have to start somewhere. And that somewhere is now!