Thank you to each and every one of you that entered these awards. I really appreciate your hard work as you sit down and write from the heart – another blog post for you – but perhaps something highly supportive and inspirational for another mom out there. Thank you for blogging!
Here follows the winners of the 2021 SA Parenting Blog Awards:
Best Inspirational Post
Runner up: My spreadsheet brain for 5 tips on how to be inspirational
Winner: hope of heart for Trauma.

My husband and I have, unknowingly, adopted this mind-set of prevention rather than cure to almost every area of our lives. We would choose a less complicated activity to set up for our daughter to engage in, rather than one that would make a huge mess, so that we wouldn’t have a disaster to deal with later. We would always have spare clothes in case she messed, so we didn’t have to leave her muddy or soaked. We wouldn’t let her freely climb things, in case she would hurt herself. We would consider all angles of every option and choose the path of least resistance or least difficulty, in case we couldn’t see it through or rather couldn’t push through to the end. Trauma is exhausting. all. the. time. and in survival mode, we kept choosing that path, rather than the path of sonship. We had to survive. We had to get through. We had no net to catch us if something went wrong, so we had to do the most logical option. The one with no pit falls…..
For what feels like the first time in 11 years, us as a family have embarked on new adventures, we have taken risks, we have chosen life and sonship, rather than survival. We have ditched prevention to perhaps be faced with finding a cure. And we are making great decisions for today and for our future.
Best Parenting Blog
Runner up: Wearing all my hats for Momming the gospel and Be the Light, Mommy.
Winner: Letters to my Wildling for Mother of a Wild Child and There’s no wrong way to be a boy.

Unfortunately, people see their wildness, their tantrums, their loud, rowdy behavior and their naturally rebellious spirit, and immediately assume that it’s because of a lack of discipline at home. They assume that these kids are just left to reign and equates them to little, naughty “brats”. Everyone blames you for being a failure of a parent, but what they don’t know is that many a day we already feel like we are failing our children. Because what people don’t see is the immense pressure on our shoulders to raise these kids without breaking their spirit. You see, the way we raise them determines whether they will one day make or break the world, because they are capable of doing both. We need to shape them, without taming them and it takes special people to discipline them, because they are louder than you, stronger than you, they push back hard, and they are not afraid to speak up and out. We fight, they fight and somehow we need to try and find a balance – we need them to fit, without really fitting in, we need them to be polite without silencing their voice, and we need them to use their fight and natural energy for the good, for what is important and right...
To my fellow wild child mommies – I know that parenting can be hard and that sometimes the load feels just too much to bare, I know the glares and whispers can make you feel like a failure or unworthy parent, but please remember this: YOU were chosen for this job, You were handpicked out of millions for this one individual and only you know what’s best for YOUR child! You are amazing, you are worthy, you are strong, you are brave – you are the mother of a wild child and its an honor!
Best Social Media Poster
Runner Up: Mama on the Run for this post and this post.
Winner: Just a Mamma for this post and this post.

Best Wisdom Post
Runner up: My spreadsheet brain for Four Funerals and a Wedding.
Winner: Diary of a Pastor’s Wife for The battle of the mind and What type of father are you?
Her posts took the form of a video so I am reposting one of the videos here:
Best Covid-19 Post
Runner up: Arismomie for Taking my child to the hospital during Covid-19
Winner: Fun Mamma SA for We’re going on a bear hunt.
What is a bear hunt ?

Children are encouraged to place a teddy bear in a window for other children to see and remain hopeful.
During self distancing and for those countries whose lock down still allows them to take daily walks, this is used to allow the kids to count the bears and read the beautiful messages the bears may be holding, eliminating the sense of loneliness and isolation in our children…
We live in a complex that is not road facing nor do we have too many neighbours who can peep into our windows but we have put a bear in the window none the less.
Hamish strongly believes that he is making other children happy by doing this and it’s a wonderful way to teach community service.
He may only be 3 years old, but with us as a family taking part in these seemingly ‘silly’ initiatives we are currently keeping him busy, sharing the message of hope, teaching him to have empathy for other children who are also bored and stuck inside and allowing him to do what he can to give back to his community.
Best Blog
Runner up: Just a Mamma: in the words of our final judge Sonya: “This mama deserves a high 5! Every blog she does has her creative heart & soul stamped on it!”
Read her posts: Pregnancy loss again…. experiencing an ectopic pregnancy and Ava’s happy “bee” day bee themed birthday party with free printables!
Winner: Our kinda family: Sonya says: “Fascinating insights into an unconventional family – just doing things their way, and winning! Especially relevant during the challenges of the past year.”
Read her posts: Our Typical Homeschool Day and Facing the Waves: On Mentorship and Discipleship.
Some things seem like big, scary waves when you’re facing them on your own, but when you’re in the company of those who have ridden the same waves before you, you don’t have to start from square one.
With someone holding your hand, there are some mistakes that you even don’t have to make because those who have been there before can warn you of the slippery and the deep places in the ocean you’re crossing….and all of a sudden, the waves don’t look so big anymore, and you can actually enjoy the journey to the fullest.
Thank you so much to the bloggers that entered! I appreciate you!
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