Diastasis Recti is the separation of the muscles along the midline of the abdomen, typically as seen in women during and after pregnancy. Yes, it’s not only dealing with a newborn baby and all that entails, but literally putting yourself back together after birth is a huge priority if you have this problem. That’s because, if left untreated, all your other muscles have to work harder to compensate. You could land up with back pain, an overactive pelvic floor as well as tight hips and glutes. In this post we’ll give you some understanding of the problem and some exercises to help.

But wait.
What is “Diastasis Recti”?
Alright, imagine your tummy is like a big balloon. Sometimes, when a balloon gets stretched too much, it can have a little tear in it. Diastasis Recti is like a little tear in the muscles of your tummy. It happens when the muscles get stretched too much, like when you have a baby in your tummy. But don’t worry, just like how we can fix a balloon with tape, there are exercises and treatments that can help fix Diastasis Recti and make your tummy strong again!
Understanding Diastasis Recti
Your abdominal muscles have a left and a right side joined by a band of connective tissue called the linea alba. Diastasis Recti happens when this connective tissue is stretched too much and doesn’t come back together.
You might be able to see if you have this condition by lying down on the floor and placing your fingers in the centre of your stomach above your belly button. More than two fingers width of space between your abs means that you may have D.S., according to this post.
The Right Exercises to Heal Diastasis Recti

- Pelvic Tilts
Lie on your back with your legs bent. Pull your belly button in, pushing your pelvis up. Tighten your glutes and hip muscles as you tilt your pelvis forward. Hold for five seconds.

- Leg Slides
Again, lie on your back with your legs bent. But now you’re going to extend one leg slowly out into the air and hold it briefly before bringing it back.
- Planks
Flip over and hold your body straight and parallel to the floor with your arms and toes.

- Bird Dog Exercise

Now get into an all fours position. You’re going to lift the back right leg up straight behind you (like a dog) and the opposite arm will extend in front of you (like a bird).
- Bridge Exercise

Get back on your back. Now you’re going to lift your bum up as high as you can, so that your hips line up with your knees and shoulders. Hold for three deep breaths.
Additional tips
These are just starting points. Go at your own pace and listen to your body. Once you feel confident in completing the exercises, you can even incorporate more cardio and strength training.
The other thing to be aware of is to keep a good posture throughout the day. Don’t slouch in your desk and try and use a pillow behind you in the right place to support. Avoid activities that will strain your core.
Give yourself realistic expectations. Track your progress and celebrate small victories. It isn’t all going to come together overnight, but self care is the first step to looking after that amazing body that birthed another human being!
If you’re really not seeing results, consider consulting an expert like a doctor or physiotherapist that specialises in this field.
Diastasis Recti isn’t a fun condition to have. But give your body credit for making space for your child. Now it’s time to put it back together. So let’s get moving!
Check out fitness bloggers here:
Natasha – Fit Like Mummy
Check out my fitness journey with GI Jess.
Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by re-centre.co.uk.
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