There’s a lot of overwhelming information going on about the virus right now. It’s all a bit much isn’t it? Today I’ve put together a resource from 18 of our very own South African mom bloggers who have put together a whole lot of posts to help you navigate this time.
Something else I was reminded of that is rather important was from Nicky’s school principal. He made the point that we are so wound up in fear and frustration and the circumstances of having the children home at this time that we lose sight of what is important. He reminded us to choose our words carefully and make sure that we let them know they are valued being around, it’s frustrating for them as well. Children are a gift and we should enjoy this time with them together.
And guess what? It’s ok if you don’t get it all right. Being at home with Nicky do you think I do any of these activities? Nope. I have two hours of teaching to get through in the morning without my mom (as she is working in the mornings at the moment and right now can only do the afternoon shift) so I plant him in front of the TV watching the Nick Jnr channel.
On the first day home he did request on my lunch break to make a 3 D Hot Wheels car, however. This turned out to be a paper aeroplane in the end. So we did do some arts and crafts. The next day he wanted a paper car (which is still not finished). Then he has also been busy doing some worksheets from his teacher. I did slightly lose my mind at 6pm (which is bath time) when he wanted to do baking. But hey, each is another day and hopefully we can get through this time all in one piece.
And don’t forget when Isaac Newton was sent home from school because of the Bubonic plague back in 1665 he had an opportunity to come up with some amazing ideas sitting at home. So let those creative juices have a chance to flow in this new normal.
Here is a list of some of our amazing bloggers and what they have been busy with:
- In these Stilettos is a great arts and crafts blog and here is her post. I particularly like her bath bombs, salt art and structures with marshmallows and sticks!
She also has one on routines and themes.
2. Just a Mama has over 60 activities to get you going. I like the way she lists age appropriate chores. (I think I’m going to get Nicky to help with hanging up washing. The part he can reach!)
She also has some awesome schedules.
How about this quote: I understand how daunting social isolation can be BUT there is no need to be anxious. We gave birth! Covid-19 quarantine ain’t got anything on us.
3. Letters to my Wildling’s Facebook page has a lot of fun activities too. She has a really cool one of cutting plastic insects off of strings for fine motor skills. But how cute is her kid in his little mask?
4. According to Minki from Prettybelle, Spur and the pizza place are still safe from the virus. Child priorities, people!
Everything you need to know about the coronavirus
5. Mel over at Cafe Couch has two videos for kids on her home page to explain what the virus is. This is really cool when you want to explain to your child why they can’t go to school.
6. Fun Mama SA has loads of stuff to do on her blog. If you click on “crafts” you’ll see why she is the fun mama – check out her kids painting the windows!
7. Mom’s Artelier is a great resource from Laura (with homeschooling experience) and Candice full of art, crafts and recipes. They have a very useful post on their online favourite printables.
What’s nice about these resources is that you can use them for age appropriate activities.
8. On that note, Mira has written a post on 35 online resources for children.
These are all great! I will also agree with her on Vodacom’s E school – E-School is free for all Vodacom subscribers and carries content in all 11 official languages from Grade R to 12. Content includes assignments, quizzes and learning videos that are fully aligned with the CAPS curriculum.
Another good South African resource is Smartick which is a great way to keep the Maths going. It’s a good habit you can use for just 15 mins at a time.
9. Lindsay from Love Made Me has a post on activities to do at home. But she also lists subscription activity boxes which could be useful. Another thing she posted on was hygiene and I particularly like her pictures of instructions for washing hands.
10. Saadiyah has a most useful post on how to talk to your kids about the virus.
Try not to make your child feel as thought their fears are not important. We should try to recognize that they are little humans who are being exposed to so much in this world already and give them the space to let their emotions be exposed.
She also has a downloadable resource for kids as well as her own list of online resources.
11. Jolene from Monster’s Ed has loads of resources that she has been adding to over the years with her Friday Freebies.
Do a search on her blog if you are looking for something, as a homeschool mom she has a lot, particularly in regard to themes.
12. Janome has some activity tips to do as a family on her blog post over at Chronicles of a Coloured Mom. I like the one where you download an app and do some exercise together. She is also studying and gets the family involved in that too.
13. Looking for hand sanitiser? Melinda has you covered.
14. Looking for what is essential to stock up on? Candice has that post.
15. Looking for a pattern for a mask? Ursula has it. (Please note that I can’t vouch for the medical effectiveness here, but it’s better than nothing…)
16. Tracey from The Milk Memoirs has a nice list of activities and I particularly like her slime. She has glow in the dark alien slime and fluffy slime too.
But what really endears her to me is this quote which feels like a great way to end off all these activities:
Keep in mind this is state of emergency and disaster that we as a country are in…its NOT a time to feel guilty about your screen time, or how organic your snacks are, or if they’re being stimulated enough mathematically. So do what you need to do in order to get through this time safely, healthily and with all your mental faculties in tact.
17. And for the times you are afraid, read Kate’s inspirational post, The Plague where she shares how vital her faith is to get through this time.
Nothing can alter God’s plan for my life. No COVID-19 virus can stand in His way or withstand His power should He wish it not to. Because before my body was woven together in my mother’s womb, God knew. He knew this day would come where my tolerance levels would be tested.
Kate has followed up this post with another one (We’ve got today) just about being grateful for what we have right now and how there is a huge comfort knowing that nothing, not even a worldwide pandemic, can alter God’s plan.
18. One last word from Laura and a great image from her Facebook page too:
Let your kids just be. Don’t plan out a million things for them to do in a day, don’t schedule snack time (feed them when they are hungry ). Stop trying to be their teacher, be their parent. Use this time to reconnect as a family, play outside, play SNAP, talk, bake – do stuff when you feel like and then do nothing when you feel like doing that….
Times are changing, the landscape of the world will forever be altered by this pandemic. For today, you have the privilege of being with your kids, take advantage of that and make every second count.
You can do it moms!
Follow SA Mom blogs on Facebook and if more come in, I’ll post them there.
Another great resource for arts, crafts and schoolwork is Twinkl. Check out this post on Halloween ideas – with a special social distancing angle!
If you found this post interesting please share it with your friends and remember to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram and join our awesome group called Mommy’s Me Time.
Ahh, thanks for the inclusion, lovely! Im clearly in good company! Such great resources out there – what a great share! XX
Love what you said about Issac Newton. Having free time is important, yet we feel uncomfortable when doing “nothing” we perceived it as a waist of time… similar to what Einstein said…”Play is the highest form of research” so lets do more of that I would say 🙂
thanks Rebecca!
Ah thank you my friend x I hope you are keeping well during this time. What a tough few years its been. all my love to you
Thanks for the mention
Thanks for the recommendation!
thanks Candice and thanks for your post!
Thanks for the mention, I feel like I am in great company. This is such a great, comprehensive post!