It’s a new year and we are heading into it with the best of intentions to do better with our money than we did last year. If your bank account is looking empty but your heart is determined, read on, as we look at some simple ways to save money for moms.
1. Budget and plan
Great things happen with a plan! It all starts with writing things down. Write down what you are spending. Write down the debit orders. Add things up and keep track.
Here are some tools:
– has some awesome calculators for loans, credit cards, home loans, savings and financial planning.
-Planners are awesome. (Check out my meal planners in the shop)
-Spreadsheets are the best.
2. Loyalty cards
Swipe those cards! Every time you go to the shop, use those cards. They can save you money. If you don’t like all the cards you can consolidate them in apps these days as well.
3. SnapnSave
Another way to save money is to use the SnapnSave app. You tick off items, shop, and then afterwards take a pic of your till slip and get cash back. You have up to 48 hours to snap after you have the till slip. So you can even book after. Something I’ve noticed recently with this app is make sure that it is clear that it is one slip and you do the full thing, otherwise it will get rejected. I sometimes write in colour along the side so that it’s clear. “This is a till slip from Checkers.” Also: check prices. It might be cheaper to get another brand even with the discount.
4. Shop the sales
You’ll save money if you buy sale items that you normally buy anyway. It’s tempting to stray from that path (that sale table), stick to your normal stuff. Checkers often has deals when you buy two, you get a discount. e.g. spaghetti. Black Friday is another one where you can stock up.
5. Grow your own food and make your own cleaning products
If you can create your own products without actually buying them, you’ll save money. I’ll be honest I’m hopeless at growing things, but if you are better than me, you can make this work. There are also other things you can use in place of cleaning materials – do your research.
6. Get a financial planner
A financial planner can really help you because they see things that you don’t. They know the tax benefits and penalties of big financial decisions that you have to make, they can check your policies and help you get better deals. In the same vein an insurance broker will also help with your insurance policies.
7. Follow these financial bloggers
- Mapalo Makhu – Woman and Finance (check this video: the best investments to make in your 20s and 30s) video)
- Kate Walters – Savy Spending with Kate. (Instagram here)
- Ncumisa Ndelu 1 Family 1 Stockpile Facebook group.
- Aisha has some good advice: check this post on the right savings account for your goals.
Here’s to a new year with better finances.
Do you have any tips for us?
heathers says
That’s a good idea about the food factory stores, thanks!
Refilwe says
Cheers to that 🥂
This is informative. I absolutely love the store cards – my wallet is full of them. I’ve been wanting to get that app but the space on my phone is 🚮
Another thing I also do is buy from food factory stores. They are much more affordable than the regular stores.