How was 2024 for you? Perhaps it was good in some ways, and a learning experience in others.I hosted my first summit. I sure learnt a lot and made some good connections that gave me benefits even if I … [Read more...]
Best Personal Loans in South Africa: What You Need to Know
Many moons ago, when my late husband was romancing me from South Africa, while I was teaching in Taiwan, he decided that chatting on the computer at the internet cafe was not going to be enough. These … [Read more...]
Meet Meal Planning Nadia: How I turned my blog into a business
Today we meet South African mom blogger Nadia Gabriel, who blogs at Plan My Meals. She shares with us how her blogging journey has evolved from "The Non Adventures of a Stay at Home Mom" to social … [Read more...]
Seven Money Saving Tips for Moms
It's a new year and we are heading into it with the best of intentions to do better with our money than we did last year. If your bank account is looking empty but your heart is determined, read on, … [Read more...]
Personal Savings Tips For Moms
This post is written by Andy from AllBursaries. For many moms, saving money is a top priority. However, it can be difficult to know where to start. The first step is to take a close look at your … [Read more...]
Why do we need life insurance?
You don't appreciate what you have. Until you don't have it. I didn't appreciate my husband breathing beside me, even snoring, until he wasn't there anymore. I didn't appreciate his presence, his time … [Read more...]