South African mom bloggers have put it out there. Their goals and words for 2017. Have a read and see if you identify with any of these, or perhaps can form some of your own.
Modern Zulu Mom wants to Play More.
This year, I really want to try a more relaxed approach to parenting. It’s tough, especially when you’re a working mom, because you just want to come home after a long day and get things done – but I’m pretty sure it will be more fun to sit on the carpet with them for 20 minutes and just relax, before I rush into dinner, homework and bath time.
This year Super Shazzer will Be Bold.
Don’t hide behind my insecurities, my past, my son or my husband. Stand up, ask for help, be proud, be brave, appreciate my uniqueness and be bold.
I loved the pictures in Hayley’s post to sum up her year. Especially the one with the Tshirt with the words “blogging” > “jogging” – since I don’t jog I guess it appeals to me!
MomAgain@40 will be Kind.
Kind to myself, but kind to everybody else as well!
Kind to the earth, animals and everything I touch!
Zayaan is going to try her hand at scrapbooking online. Check out the page from her first week on her post. She’s also going to get herself in the picture – see quote.
Working Mom in SA has a practical list from buying in bulk to scheduling couple time.
Born Geek is working on emigrating back to the States, being herself again, reconnecting and glowing.
It’s really important to me that I focus on myself again as well, that I remember what it’s like to think my own thoughts and just be in my own head.
Jonelle encourages us to be the same person but better, to stick to our goals. She also has a post on setting goals that are smart and specific.
Sharon is going to Claim her future.
Sometimes we have to take a long hard look at who and what we are and where we’re going and what we want and in the words of the Australian comedian, Chopper Read:
Harden the f*$# UP!
No more excuses! Victory is mine because I CLAIM it!
Belinda has a beautiful post Look Inward and I encourage you to read the whole thing because perhaps a different part will talk to you. I liked:
Focus on “realness”. Real food. Real people. Real experiences. Give up the posturing. The pursuit of perfection. Set your goals with a steely determination but make sure they are YOUR goals, things you truly care about, not things you’re chasing because society seems to tell you to.
Spirited Mama says:
2017 will see me taking some people with a pinch of salt, in small doses and limited quantities. I refuse to let others’ negativity consume me. I WILL be living MY life. Possibly my best life. Time to live intentionally but for ME.
Chevonne has a beautiful post about her walk on the beach observing a seagull and how people often go with the flow instead of finding themselves.
What I do know for certain is that I felt serenity, gliding on the highs of nature’s beauty. I felt content because I know who I am.
For me I’m trying to be more gentle with myself, although I do want to be a bit more organised.
So… I know that 2017 is going to be busy again. I know that I can do my best to sort things out, clean up, label, organise and find a way to make life as manageable as possible.
But there will be times when I don’t get it all done, and other times when I will. And it’s okay. I will get there, eventually.
The word “gentle” entered my mind and stayed there. That I need to be more gentle with myself.
And particularly with the little children in my care. And with Nicky. Not to lose it, but to take a breath and just be gentle. They need it too.
And one more from Cindy: she tells us what she is ditching in 2017: perfectionism, comparison, restrictions, over-committing and stress!
What are your goals for 2017 or is there any intention you’d like to share? If I’ve missed your post please add it in the comments.
Lovely post! All the best to all of you! And yes, being gentle will be good – i hope 🙂
Good for you for your enthusiasm! 🙂
There is just something special about a new year that makes us feel that all things are possible again. Let’s go get em!!
Great post! Thanks for including me!
Such inspiring moms #brilliant
this year its all about to be kind to myself , make stax of memories, Grab 2017 with both hands and go for it live my life to the fullest. Love ur post , so inspiring 🙂