One thing I really don’t enjoy about visiting my mom in drought stricken Port Elizabeth is dealing with the smell in the bathroom. You want to do the right thing and save water, but you also don’t want to gag every time you go. Today I am reviewing a product that is specifically designed for the water realities South Africa faces as well as giving your home a more hygienic and cleaner odour. It’s called “Domestos Flush Less” and will initially be available in major retailers in the Western Cape. We’ll be giving away this product on the blog today.
I don’t even remember how long PE has been in a drought, but it is bad. My mom has a system where she has seven buckets which she fills from the rinse cycle of her washing machine. The buckets then go to the bathroom and then she uses those to flush.
But oh, the smell! It just hones!
Of course you can’t flush every time you go in situations like this. Flushing a toilet uses an average of 9-12 litres if your toilet is old and around 6 litres for a modern toilet.
I did a bit of investigation as to why urine has such a foul odour. Urine contains various salts, proteins, carbohydrates, fatty acids and nitrogen that contain urea. Urine itself has a natural odour due to these chemicals. Over time, the bacteria, which uses the natural components of urine as a food source, produce by-products, such as hydrogen sulphate and ammonia, which cause the stench. The more bacteria is allowed to grow, the worse the smell.
But what do you do about it? And the hygienic side effects?
Domestos Flush Less has a rather clever solution. It targets the primary malodour, because it neutralises and eliminates the smell of urine with its sophisticated fragrance. The spray targets secondary malodour because the product contains biocide that kills odour-causing bacteria. Biocide is widely used in disinfectants to destroy, deter, or control the effect on any harmful organisms.
You spray 3-4 times after you go and it’s safe to use in septic tanks as well. The surfactants used are biodegradable.
It has a distinctly clean smell and you’ll be so relived that you can save the planet and still have a home that won’t be so stinky.
Water is a precious resource, and this is one of those products that every South African home should have, simply because it encourages us to think before we flush.
You can win a “Domestos Flush Less” just be commenting below: what do you like about this product?
Terms and Conditions:
- This competition will run for a week. The winner will be announced on the Facebook page, and emailed.
- This competition is open to South African residents only.
- The prize is not transferable.
- If you have won on SA Mom Blogs in the past 3 months you will not be eligible to win this competition.
- If you win the same prize on another site then you forfeit this one.
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Hi Daniel will email the PR lady regarding this and hopefully we will get you reunited with this product!
Please! Where can I find Domestos Flush Less anywhere in Joburg! I bought a bottle last year before lockdown, but all the supermarkets dont have stock! Please help!
This product will also helps us be more water wise, use less water and keeps smells away
neutralises and eliminates the smell of urine
This product will also help to make us more water wise, and safe water when we used it. This is what I like about Domestos flush less
I love that it eliminates that awful odour that we currently live with in Cape Town
I absolutely love that it kills odor. There is nothing worse than a smelly bathroom.
I like the clean smell and Im helping save the planet 👍😊
It’s a brilliant and affordable way to save water and I’ve heard it smells great too
A great product to solve a problem and solve water.