Do you find yourself more on the forgetful side now that you are pregnant? Can’t remember where you put your keys or when the next doctor’s appointment is? You’re not alone. Pregnancy brain is something experienced by many women in your position. The question is: is it real or not?

I remember when I was pregnant losing a vital piece of paper that I needed from Discovery to get a discount for a car seat. I was so frustrated to get to the store without this, although I managed to go back another time and do it. I think the challenging part of this is feeling so irritated with yourself, but don’t worry, you now have an official excuse, it’s a normal part of the pregnancy process.
What is pregnancy brain?
Pregnancy brain is the mom fog you find yourself in during pregnancy, and in those early baby / toddler days. It seems to have an effect on memory, concentration, clumsiness and difficulty recalling words and names.
Is Pregnancy Brain Real? What do the the studies say?
Scientific studies show mixed results. This study in 2014 shows little difference in memory, attention, learning, visuospatial, and executive functioning. But the self reported forgetfulness showed a big difference between pregnant women and those who were not – along with worse mood and quality of life.
Another study in the same year showed that pregnant women scored significantly lower from the second trimester on on the Spatial Recognition Memory (SRM) test, and it just got steadily worse. They had difficulty recalling locations and spatial relations between objects. A white square is shown on a screen in different places, and you have to remember them.
And, if you’re wondering if motherhood changes your “gray matter”, then here’s the proof: a 2016 study shows reductions in gray matter in areas of social thinking. “The volume reductions showed a substantial overlap with brain regions responding to the women’s babies postpartum.” In other words, your brain makes way to connect better with your baby. The study showed this continued up until the child was two years old.
When Does Pregnancy Brain Start?
There are mixed answers on this out there. The study on Spatial Recognition Memory definitely shows that things get worse as the pregnancy progresses. But since your hormones are very high both during the first and last trimester, studies do back up first trimester effect as well.
What causes Pregnancy Brain?
- Hormones. This study investigated estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol, and prolactin (PRL) levels on cognitive functioning during late pregnancy and the early postpartum period. Pregnant women were worse on verbal recall and processing speed. Cortisol levels affect your spatial abilities post partum. This and estradiol also affects your attention span. So basically you can’t remember what was said and your brain is slow to process it too.
- Lack of sleep. Of course if you’re not sleeping well because of the pregnancy and a newborn, your brain is going to be mushy as well. Any normal person struggles to function when they don’t sleep well.
- Stress. Having a baby is a huge change in your life. Dealing with this doesn’t help brain functioning either.
- Nutrition. Having balanced healthy food will definitely help you during this time and also will assist in your baby’s development too. Ensuring that you are getting all your vitamins and healthy food will also help your mood.
How to cope with pregnancy brain:

- Get support. Chat about what you are going through to your partner and family. If you need to, see a therapist. Start joining moms groups or connecting with other pregnant people, it really helps.
- Look after your health: diet, sleep, exercise. Especially the sleep.
- Breathe: Do mindfulness and relaxation techniques when you are feeling stressed. (You could try my Six Healing Sounds which is kind of like yoga positions and sounds that help you feel calm.)
- Write it down! I’ve got a load of planners for you that will help you keep track of your pregnancy, hospital bag list, birth plan, pregnancy planner and more.
Pregnancy brain is a real and normal experience for many expecting mothers. It stems from hormonal changes, stress, and the body’s focus on nurturing a new life. Understanding it can help you manage it better. Stay organised, keep a sense of humour, and give yourself a break. Remember to talk to your healthcare provider if you have concerns. Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, and a little forgetfulness is just part of the adventure. Embrace it, and take one day at a time.
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