We’ve actually already met South African mom blogger Francesca, who two weeks ago told us all about the average day in her life of motherhood.
This time she is sharing a bit more about why she blogs and some tips she’s learnt along the way.
- What do you normally get up to on an average day? (Give us a brief description about yourself)
What’s an average day in a Mother’s life, when you have a baby, a four-year-old, a teenager and a husband except to include and conclude with; chores, meals, chauffeuring and helping with homework while trying to make time for yourself in order to look and feel like you’ve just stepped out of the salon, just to keep your marriage alive. Not forgetting to give a few moments of your time to your passion which is blogging, painting and creating art, before keeling over in bed with just enough breath left to say “Honey, did you remember to set the alarm”. ZZZzzzzzzzzzz. Yes, I’m aware that I am talking in the third person but it’s my way of taking time out from myself lol!
- How do you feel about motherhood – what are your struggles and joys?
Oh motherhood is fabulous (says most of us), joke. It is amazing, rewarding and most importantly inspiring because without it, what would the essence of my life as a woman be! The struggles would probably be, just time management for my whole family including trying to fit myself as a woman into the equation. As for the joys, that would be the blessing of being able to have these kids and a great husband in my life.
- Tell us about your kid(s)
Well, I have three kids if we are not counting my husband (Peter) and our two dogs (Dexter and Ghost). The eldest, a 16-year-old teenager daughter (Lourdes), is surprisingly helpful around the house and with babysitting and loves to write for her own blog “GirlSaysItAll”, while my two youngest, a four year old (Raphaella), drama queen, in that she loves, loves, loves all the attention on herself, (beautiful soul), has Sensory Perception Disorder (SID) and my baby boy (Gabriel), of now eleven months, is the current reason why I still get absolutely no sleep at night, but has the energy of an Angel and loves his mommy dearly.
4). How did you start blogging?
You know how it is being a stay at home mom, and the only form of conversation and topic choices in your day are ALL kid based? Well that’s how and why I started blogging, because I desperately needed an outlet to speak my mind and share experiences as well as to be able to contribute in some way with peers of my own “kind”. Apart from the fact that I possibly got tired of speaking to myself in my head in regards to thoughts, ideas and problem solving and having no outlet to allot them too.
- Share with us a valuable blogging tip you’ve learnt. (or more)
For me this would be;
- Get your bearings right before you start because it can become so overwhelming to create something for the “internet life” which requires one to basically be in the centre of most social medias.
- Ensure you create your blog space/site, not only to appeal to others, but most importantly to yourself because if you need to be posting on there frequently and you hate the look of it, your inspiration level will drop drastically and you may not be as involved as you thought about being when you had the idea to start with. Look at it like a beautiful space in your home where you can go to in order to feel inspired, relaxed or to even create and read.
- If you make money from your blog, give us a breakdown on how you do it. Give us some of your methods on how to get started on this, or any tips or advice.
I don’t make money from blogging as yet. For one because I’m really not clued up on how to as yet but also because I just started this year. I do however have my own online shop and every time I create a new item, I simply load it up for sale. This has been a great success to date.
Blog @ http://www.mothershiplanding.com/
nice read