People on planes probably dread the sound of children, knowing they are probably going to be disruptive. Parents dread flying with kids too. But the plain fact is: every adult was once a child. … [Read more...]
How to Build a Sandcastle
Children love playing in the sand, building, creating and drawing. On the beach you'll find people of all ages digging and moulding the most epic sandcastles and having fun with their families. It's a … [Read more...]
Potato Gratin and Chocolate Marshmallow Cake in a Cup in the LG NeoChef Smart Inverter Microwave
I wrote a few weeks back about some really amazing things about the LG NeoChef microwave and how it's making my life easier i n the kitchen. In this post I will share two recipes that I have … [Read more...]
Win a Power Rangers Ninja Steel Morph Vehicle
One of the things that really brings me joy is to watch my child at play. He is so inventive, building things with anything he can lay his hands on from Lego to boxes, and making up little stories … [Read more...]
Six Things I like About the LG NeoChef Microwave
The LG NeoChef Microwave not only looks very classy with its minimalist design, it also has a lot of features busy moms will appreciate. I'll be honest, I mainly use my microwave to defrost and … [Read more...]
Product Review Roundup: Four Moms Try Out Chela Preg
Deep within the womb of a pregnant woman, a little heart beats. A little baby is taking in everything that their mother eats. To protect herself and grow her baby, the pregnant lady takes a prenatal … [Read more...]