Happy New Year! I hope 2015 will be a fabulous year for all of us.
The winners of the best post were:
FIRST PRIZE: Laura from Harassed Mom for Parenting Just Got Real
Laura wins the blog makeover and a photo shoot.
SECOND PRIZE: Mandy from Pregnant in Cape Town for Finding My Mommy Instinct
Mandy wins a Bio Oil hamper.
THIRD PRIZE: A three way tie between
– Amy from The Dummy Mommy for Sometimes I feel like an Alien
-Namreen from Life and Times of the Fireflies for A Message for my Daughter
-Lindsay from What Happened to My Body for What I learnt as a Single Mommy
The Bio Oil hamper will be split between these three.
Congratulations everyone and thank you for participating and voting!
Congratulations! I enjoyed reading each one of your blog entries 🙂
Wow thank you so much! Blessed New Year to you and your loved ones!
Congratulations to everyone