I love Ted Talks. Listening to them are now a part of my Sunday routine. I get up early to get some work done and listen to as many as I can before the kids wake up.
Some of them are educational, others inspirational and others are just interesting.
These are a few of my favourites.
I LOVE Shonda Rhimes. She has created some incredible TV shows with some really strong women characters. I loved this talk she gave, she owns her success, admits it is not easy to juggle it all but shares how she tries to.
Who hasn’t read (or at the very least watched Eat, Pray, Love) and who didn’t resonate with so much of it? The author, Elizabeth Gilbert, really spoke to me in this talk. She discusses why creatives are generally tortured souls and why we take failure, or the idea of failure so personally.
I listened to this talk, not really sure what it was going to be about but it really really hit home. I am not really a misfit, I try hard not to conform and stand up for what I believe in, but I am not really a misfit. Why this resonated though, was because we are all or have all tried to fit in and be something we are not. This reminded why we shouldn’t do that and that your big break could be around the corner.
For so long I was trying to find the ONE thing I wanted to do! I felt like I wasn’t doing it right if I didn’t have ONE thing I wanted to be. This talk argues that it is ok to want to do more than one thing!
This is the most serious out of the five I love but it is extremely powerful. Listen to right until the end, you won’t be sorry.
Do you listen to TED? If so share some of your favourite talks.
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