A princess was born a few weeks ago. Little sister to a prince who was born a couple of years ago. When her mother showed her to the world, a mere 10 hours after she had given birth, there was a collective gasp by mothers everywhere. How is it possible? How was Kate able to look so perfect after pushing another human being into the world? Why was she standing in front of the world when she should be staring into her new daughter’s eyes?
The last answer is probably the simpliest of them all – the world expected it of her. If you are shaking your head in denial, you are lying. Kate is a princess. She is beautiful. She has captured the hearts of the world similar to the way her mother in law did. We all want to be Kate, we want the fairy tale complete with castles and carriages. We have elevated Kate onto a pedestal. We expect certain things from her.
What would have happened to her if we had seen her in her favourite pair of worn slippers, fluffy gown and her hair in a pony, no makeup? We wouldn’t have said “Look how human Kate is.” No, instead we would have said “Did you see what Kate looked like, surely she could have made more of an effort.” Again don’t shake your head, you know I am right. The critism she would have received would have far outweighed the support because she is a princess!
Kate isn’t alone in this though. Her fellow celebrity moms face the same daily scrutiny. If there child is throwing a tantrum, they are not a normal toddler, they are suffering from lack of attention from their celebrity mom. If there clothes have mud stains on, they weren’t enjoying outdoor play, there mom must have been more concerned about her next drink than cleaning her poor child. If they are dressed to the nines, they are dressing their child inappropriately. If the nanny has the child, the mother doesn’t care. If the mother stop working to look after her child, she is setting the feminism movement back 100 years because we lay this solely on the rich, famous and apparently infallible. If the moody teen is photographed mid-sulk, they aren’t a normal hormonal teenager, they are desperately unhappy and turning to drugs.
We have decided that being a celebrity parent means you are held to a higher standard than the rest of us. Somehow because you headlined in a blockbuster, are star of a soccer team or a princess means that you automatically should know how to be, and should be, a flawless parent.
I have never understood our need to do this. What is with our preoccupation with famous people and passing constant judgement on their choices and the way they live, when often we as a society have made them live that way.
They are damned if they do and damned if they don’t really. We have damned them.
I don’t judge Kate for looking the way she did, she had no other choice. I have no doubt that if given the choice, a real choice, she would have been like the rest of us mooching around in our stretched pjs, taking in the wonder that is a new baby.
I do, however, judge Kim for burdening her child with that ridiculous name!
Yes. I agree… And North is a Crappy name for a beautiful little girl.
Definitely Cat – even with the pressure placed on her, she carries herself with such grace and dignity.
I think it’s amazing that she looks so fantastic!! I think it’s terribly sad that so much pressure is put on women to do so.
I’ve been watching Scandal, the television show and in it, a child dies. Two months into grieving the mother is basically crucified for wearing her pyjamas and not bothering to get dressed! When are they never allowed to be human if not even in those situations!
I only hope that in 3months time, after pushing a baby out into the world, I’m able to even dress myself to leave the hospital!!
Interesting and thought provoking post!
Very true Laura – I kept thinking she looks fantastic because she had to but I do hope that she can very soon, at home, be in her slippers and recover. I am also glad that the world has role models like her and not just like Kim
This is so true! Sad, but true.