This guest post was written by Joan Villanueva.

With each season, there are new challenges, and a rainy season is one that many people love for what it does for their crops. Others dread it for the mess it creates, and for those people, we have compiled a short guide on how to keep your home tidy during this wettest of seasons.
Create Outdoor Storage for Shoes and Coats
As you try to keep dirt, mud and water outside of your house during this season, your biggest fight will probably be with wet, muddy clothing. The shoes, hats, and coats that your friends and family try to bring into the house will often be caked with mud and will be dripping wet as the heavy rains come down day after day.

To make sure that these items are not coming into your house and dirtying things up, you will need to figure out a way to keep them outside or at least limit their capability of coming into your home and messing things up. One method is to set up an outdoor rack for coats and hats and one for shoes as well.
Your home will quickly be invaded by dirt and mud if you don’t do something about the wet clothes that people bring into your home. If you don’t have a way of keeping wet, muddy clothes outside of the house, then you can set up a rack inside, placing down a mat under where they will hang that will repel water. Be careful about the kind of mat you use, as absorbent mat will quickly begin to smell.
Spray for Bacteria
As water gets into your home, it will bring bacteria with it. Living things love water, and that includes bacteria and other microorganisms. They will thrive in wet environments, and even if you can clean up most of the water, you will have a hard time getting rid of all the water that is generated inside your home during this time.

That water will become a home to bacteria, much of which smells bad and will spread germs and create illness. You should be using antimicrobial sprays to get rid of bacteria, eliminating it in its tracks so that it is not causing you problems. Bacteria can create a variety of health issues and cleanliness issues in the home, but if you are vigilant in stopping it from spreading and thriving, then you can keep it under control and minimize its damage.
Make sure that you are using effective sprays that will kill most germs and bacteria, and then you should target those areas where you find water sitting and where people are touching often. High touch areas and places where water pools will be the most likely spots for bacteria to grow.
Have Expert Cleaners Help Out
We also recommend that you have your home cleaned professionally from time to time. This is especially important during the rainy season when there is more cleaning that needs to be done. It may seem like you can never stay on top of all the work that has to be completed, but if you hire a rainy season cleaning service, then you can finally catch up with the cleaning and make your house look amazing.

It is vital to stay on top of the cleaning needs of your home during this season, because mould, bacteria, and water damage are all serious issues. By having your home well cleaned periodically, you can catch problems early on and keep these issues from causing more much harm than they otherwise would.
If you are not going to have expert cleaners work throughout your entire house to tidy, then pick key rooms where they can make the most difference and where you might have the hardest time keeping those spaces clean. If you can have cleaners come in periodically to scrub floors, wash windows, remove trash, and do all of those other chores, your home will stay looking beautiful, and you can be really proud of it.
Use a Dehumidifier
One way to stay on top of the mould problem that tends to crop up during the rainy season is to use a dehumidifier. This will clean up the air and get rid of excess moisture, starving out mould spores. The mould will have a harder time spreading around, and it will make your home smell nicer and stay cleaner.

Mould can be destructive as it eats through materials like wood, and it can also cause health problems, clogging up airways and creating allergy symptoms. You can fight back against the mold that is prevalent at this time of year by using a dehumidifier. Place this machine in the rooms where water is most prevalent, like the kitchen or laundry room, or you can place it in your bedroom to ensure a good night’s sleep.
Add Rainy Season Mats
One last suggestion we want to make about keeping your house neat and tidy during the rainiest times of the year is to place waterproof mats through the house, particularly at the doorways. Any entry area of the house could use a waterproof mat to catch water and mud and to keep the rest of the house looking clean.

If you use larger mats, they can do more for you and protect your carpets and rugs from mud and water as well. These will need to be cleaned off regularly to keep your home smelling nice and looking clean, but they are far better choices than fabric mats that would absorb water and become smelly or moldy very quickly.
These tips we have provided for you can go a long way toward making your home look its best during the yuckiest, dirtiest time of the year. If you can implement these ideas, as well as other practical ideas that you have come up with, your home can be welcoming and sanitary at all times. We sincerely hope these tips are helpful to you.
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