So often we feel like we know nothing but there are always things we do know for sure. This series is all about those things, the things you know for sure.
The inspiration for this series came from this TED talk by Sarah Kay, which is incredibly inspiring!
If you want to join in and share your 10 things, mail me
These are the 10 things Keshnie knows for sure about life in general. Keshnie is a mom to a baby girl, wife to the love of her life and a blogger!After 10 years working abroad, finding love on a cruiseship, getting uaed to being land dwellers, fighting through the corporate jungle to find the job that spoke to my personal vision, having my amazing little girl, birthing 2 more angels into heaven, falling back in love with my husband after the birth or our baby and finding myself and the authentic me after 33 years, this is what I know for sure!
Forgive yourself
I cannot take care of anyone if I do not take care of myself. Forgive all the things you think you have done wrong and embrace the real you – imperfections and all! Sleep when you can, take long walks and bubble baths. It’s ok to take a drive without the kids and the husband and just have a cup of coffee by yourself. Don’t feel guilty about needing to be alone. Re-fuel your soul so you do not lose the essence of you.
Perception always trumps intention
No matter what the intention is, how you are perceived is the blueprint that will define you. Aim to always leave people feeling better than when you encountered them. It takes time but you can even achieve this giving bad news. There is no trick. If you livr your life genuinely and transparently, people will perceive you as you intend them to.
I have mastered nothing, and I’m ok with that
We spend our lives trying to perfect our pre-determined roles. We try to master our jobs, being a mom, being a wife, a mentor and we forget to perfect the art of being the consistent us. Mastery or knowing everything about something is an illusion. The thirst for knowledge and the understanding that we can never master something fully is what keeps us humble and real and true
I do not have to like everyone, and everyone does not have to like me
Still working on this one but I do believe that we are programmed to “pretend” when we encounter people who make our hair stand on ends. We ignore our physical warnings and continue to engage with them and then wonder why the relationship is so unstable. Sometimes people just clash, recognise the signs and minimise the damage by maintaining a safe distance and always being cordial.
What is said in public is not as powerful as what is said in private
I was involved in a volatile friendship with a collegue who pretended to be the perfect individual to my face, but would spread lies about me every chance she could get in order to progress in the organisation. Funny enough all her negativity showed her true form. Be kind always, your most impact is made in those private moments. Choose to build people up, not break them down
Love and love equally
As a new mom I struggled with the balance of hubby and baby. For 3 years I really did forget Hunky Hubby. He lost his best friend, the girl who always laughed at all his jokes and hugged him tight. I learnt that I needed him just as much as Rachy needed me, that my first love needed as much nurturing as my new love and I fell in love with him all over again because he had waited patiently. Because I was worth the wait.
It’s ok to say No
People will treat you the way you allow them to treat you. If you always say yes, this is the expectation you set. Allow friends and family to add to your life, not distract you from it
Control what you have control over
Stop worrying about things that you cannot control. Stop stressing about the traffic and enjoy that cup of coffee with your loved one, leave your work at work – your client is not talking about you over his dinner. Allow your little one to dance in the rain once in a while, wat hailstones with her and make toy angels in the mess she created. We never get these moments back, make them count.
Losing people we love hurts like hell
I have had 2 miscarriages and it was horrible. It was also enlightening. Until then I had always been afraid of losing my loved ones, I would lie in bed waiting for Hunky Hubby to return from work anxiously praying the other cars away from his bike and I would go into a flat panic everytime Rachy ran a fever. I have learnt now what would hurt more is if I had not loved them as much as I should have, if I had not kissed them goodnight or if I had not showed them I loved them.
It really will be ok
It’s amazing that the only thing we can really be sure of is change. Life has a wonderful way of always working out. 2015 had its fair share of rockiness and tears but the lesson is always the same. We come out on the otherside so much better than we ever imagined. It’s annoying but true, everything does happen for a reason!
These are the things I know for sure.
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