As South Africans we have come to accept that our medical aid doesn’t always help us for everything. Sure, in an emergency, they are there for life threatening situations. But what about those times when you really need an elective surgery and you have no idea how you are going to pay for it?
I know I put off fertility treatment because of the exorbitant cost of IVF. When we finally decided to do it I was 38, not a great age, but maybe we knew time was running out. We took money out of the bond to pay for a procedure that should be covered, but it was not. In the end we were lucky. I was pregnant the week we were meant to start.
Did you know that up to 15% of South Africans experience infertility? These are many people who need to have a family, but don’t always have the funds to proceed with the treatments.
Other examples of elective (non- emergency) surgeries are cosmetic. If you had an awful nose, wouldn’t you want to do something about it? And how would you pay for that?
I still have a gap in my teeth where an implant should be. Even on a comprehensive medical aid, I’m not sure that is covered. Or if it is just going to drain my medical savings account.
There is a company which has looked at this problem of where medical aids fall short and come up with a solution. Medifin is in the business of financing your dreams. Instead of turning you away, they will work out a way to make that procedure happen. With one simple credit application and affordable rates and terms you will be in for a great sense of relief with their compassionate customer service.
They are founded by two SA entrepreneurs who have over 20 years experience in financial services. They started off in the Western Cape in 2012 (the same year that Nicky was born) and by the following year had spread to Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal.
If you’re looking for a way to make an operation happen that is important to you and will make a difference to your life, you have the choice to make it happen.
Sometimes we put these things off for too long and we look back and wish we had done it sooner. I do wish I was younger and could go for IVF.
Don’t live with regrets.
Go to Medifin’s website and apply here.
This post was sponsored by Medifin.
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