It was National Nutrition Week earlier this month. Keeping your child healthy is one of the biggest worries new moms have. It is made even harder when you have a fussy eater who refuses nearly everything you place in front of them or pick at a few things. Fussy eaters can cause moms huge amounts of stress.
I decided to ask our awesome group of moms how they deal with their fussy eaters. Below are some of the responses I received with some really cool ideas.
Give it a cool name like ‘picnic lunch’ then cut it all up so they can’t see what it was & seat them on a blanket on floor. @momof2lgs
I love this idea. Many kids don’t like the idea of sitting at a table and having to eat, so moving them away from that setting may encourage them to eat. Also finger foods are also great, not only to get them to eat, but they also help your child to touch and feel various textures.
Sometimes I tell them they can’t have it, it’s only for adults. Haha they’ll eat it right out of my plate. @momlifeiscrazy
This sounds a little funny but this never fails to work in my house. If I have it on my plate, a child wants it. Emma especially will ask for whatever I dish up on my plate.
I mix what veg I can with meat etc so it is hidden. Somehow he always eats it the hidden food! @MeganKeith085
This is another great idea. I have actually shared my veggie sauce recipe. I don’t really have fussy eaters but I do struggle getting veggies into them so this is a great way to disguise the veggies.
We use distraction – reading a book while feeding. He also gets his own spoon which helps.@CapeTownInsider
This is also another good idea. Jack often moans about eating, so we will carry on, talking to each other and distract him from the dishing up process and then while we are eating if we keep the conversation going, he will eat without even realising it. If your child has a doll, get them to bring the doll to eat as well.
Playing with food helps encourage them to taste.
Making a platter of goodies to eat, and allowing them to dish for themselves. Eating with food adventurous friends.@CassieS_101
Both of these suggestions work well. While playing with food may not be something you want to encourage it can really work well with a fussy eater, especially if you have just started introducing solids. Don’t get too worried about the mess, you can clean it all up. Let them explore tastes and textures. In our house, generally having siblings who eat does work. No one wants to miss out on seconds.
Finger foods, colourful foods. Worked a treat! Cath@cathjenkin
The more colourful and appealing a plate looks the more likely a child is to eat. Make your child’s plate fun and exciting with lots of colours and foods they are able to eat themselves.
To be honest, I have cut down on snacks. That way my daughter (3 years old) is hungry enough by the time meal time comes and then she eats. I don’t starve her though. Also I don’t give alternatives. I always explain to her that if she doesn’t want to eat what is being served, there’s nothing else to eat. She used to be the worst when it comes to eating but I started doing this after she turned 2 years old and it seems to be working…she’s eating a bit more lately. @kbearandmommy
I have snackers, they eat all through the day but often refuse food at meal times, so this makes sense to me.
Cut down on unnecessary liquid intake. And one biggest one is to just make peace and accept it for what it is. You are your own worst enemy. @cherycolagirl1
This some sage advice from a mom of 3. Sometimes kids just aren’t big on eating, keep offering but try to avoid turning meal times into a war zone. It will teach your child to associate meal times with negative emotions.
You can eat it now, or for breakfast tomorrow.” Haven’t had to follow through yet. @melbli
When all else fails then you can give this a try 🙂
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Such an interesting read! I’m definitely going to try some of these ideas!