It seems like I often have to learn things in life the long way around. I think if I just read the manual properly, or asked the right questions, things might go smoother. But, as in other cases, I may be technologically (and psychologically) challenged.
Here is how I attempted to get the Alcatel Move Time Track & Talk Watch watch set up. If you’re in a rush and want to know how to do it properly, skip to the end.
- Ignore instructions about needing a nano sim card and try and pair my phone with the watch after downloading the app. Error: not found.
- After chatting to the PR lady realise I do need a nano sim. Go to cellphone shop to get one but forget I need proof of address.
- Go back to cellphone shop with proof of address (carrying sleeping child) and feel triumphant that I now have a nano sim. This should work. Ignore ladies at counter that say I need a phone to figure out the phone number of the sim.
- Put nano sim in and try and pair again. Error: not found.
- After more emails realise I need to make sure that Bluetooth, NFC, GPS and Wifi must be off. Still not working.
- Apparently there should be a “G” on the phone. This I do not have and don’t know how to make happen.
- Phone technician who says it is because nano sim doesn’t have data on it. And I need to know the number to put the data on it. He suggests IPhone. (I have an old one)
- Can’t get IPhone open and don’t have paper clip to open it to get the sim card in.
- Go back to cellphone shop. They put the nano sim in their own phone and get the phone number. Hurray! I transfer data from my phone. But that elusive “G” still does not pop up. Try pairing anyway. Error: not found. Nicky is having fun with the cushions/ chairs at the shop.
- Phone technician again. He thinks it might be that the sim is not registered properly. Make a date to meet him at cellphone shop.
- Go to cellphone shop again (with sleeping child) and switch watch on. Very embarrassed to find out that the “G” is showing. Now why did that not do that before???? Technician says it might have been a bad reception area??
- Now everything works fine. Enter IMEI on the app and it works ! No. flipping. way.
- Enter my number. Click 3 lines at the top. Go to address book. Add number there.
- Back home we have fun sending little voice messages. (Need to get airtime to use phone function still)
- Go to cellphone shop WITH your proof of address. Ask for a nano sim. Don’t leave with out getting them to tell you what the cellphone number is, even if you have to get them to get out their own phones.
2. Get data and airtime for your sim. Insert it in your phone using screwdriver provided. Charge the phone using the chord provided. Make sure you have a good reception, that the bars on the top left are showing and that there is a “G”.
3. Download the app. “Move Time”. On your cellphone make sure that you have all the Wifi stuff off, Blue tooth, NFC, GPS. (Easier to do this not at home when your phone auto connects to the home Wifi). Then pair your phone using the IMEI number provided.
4. If all else fails phone Faheem from Alcatel. Very helpful dude.
Disclosure: SA Mom blogs was supplied with the watch.
For more info Tanya has written an informative post on the watch here.
I bought SW10 from dubai and tried to activate it in kenya but it keeps on saying invalid IMEI and the G sign does not appear on the watch screen.
Hi Anneline I am not the service provider, please contact Alcatel or who you bought the watch from directly. Thanks.
Sorry I don’t know, Anneline.
Good day.Please advise does any one know where i can buy extra straps for the Family move time watch MT30.My daugher’s strap broke off.Regards.Anneline.
Hi Nariman, are you from South Africa?
Sorry I am not an expert here, please contact your local technician.
Hi! There’s a problem with the GPS of the watch. The can’t detect the location when my kid is not outside the school/ house. Is this normal?
Hello, can i connect the watch’s gps tracking to both my phone AND my husband’s phone? And how is it done? Can i have your technicians contact to be in touch
Sorry I don’t know..
Hi! Did you figure out how to change the time on this thing?
Hi Ayesha
I am sorry I am not a technician, please contact your local service provider, thanks.
Hi i have two alcatel kids track and talk watches…ever since a very recent app and software update we are unable to access blinking message on the screen.whenever we try the watch shuts downs n sort of reboots..what do i do.l?watched worked perfectyl every other time i did updates..
I don’t know!
How to set mute time in the watch?
Sorry I am not a technician. Please contact Alcatel in your country.
Hey Yvonne good to know I’m not the only techno ignoramous out there!
Thank you so much!!! I was running crazy trying to set up mine. Same error same solution very well explained. Virtual hug!
I am facing all those problems now and thinking why why why I purchased this stupid thing….
I change the aim card as I change the country so I got a new sim and can’t be able to found in my mob it show me this
This IMEI already been bound to at least one account plz try another watch
Plz help what can I do to change number without buying new one
I really don’t know. I’m not an Alcatel expert.
how to reset this alcatel smart watch 10?
Not the expert here! But at least the data. Voice required if you want to use the phone function.
hi. does d move time require BOTH voice and data on d sim?
I have no idea!
Hi, how much data does it use per month?
Sorry Mircea I am not a technician, I suggest you contact your local Alcatel.
I am from Romania and I bought this Alcatel watch but data transfer doesn’t work. I don’t get on the screen the letter G next to the GPS signal (up left side). My pre-paid card is bought from Vodafone and I think the phone doesn’t have APN configuration for this provider. I tried with an Orange SIM and it works well. After a few researches I understood that I can setup the APN by sending to the watch an SMS with a specific format for Vodafone but I don’t see any improvements:
pw, 123456,apn,,22601#
pw, 123456,apn,,,,#
Please help with any suggestions.
Thank you!
Faheem: 060 770 3551 but please remember this is South AFrica and be considerate of time zones.
Hi.. i’m shalabi from malaysia. I do faced the similar problem. Since the alcatel malaysia service centre is worse, can you please give the contact no of the alcatel guy – faheem?
Hi Heather
Please could you send me the number for Faheem
Ive finally managed to set up my kids’ phones and connect them to mine.
Can’t seem though to connect them to my wife’s phone
No idea but will email you the technician’s number.
Hey, any idea how to sort out time and date sync issue? Somehow my kidswatch doesn’t show up the right time. How can we set it up manually?
no worries, I have it.
Hi Marizanne it’s actually Heather. Give me your email I will put you guys in touch.
Hi Tanya, thanks for the info. Had the same issue with no data on the sim – got that sorted! But now struggling more…we cannot make a call to the watch from our iPhones and both parents cannot be logged in on the app at the same time. Do you think Faheem would be able to help?