Did you ever wish there was a place for women entrepreneurs to have a website and sell their stuff? As well as be connected with bloggers who could do copywriting or influencing for them? Well, a place like that exists! And it will be launching soon! It is called Fempreneurs!

So what is a “Fempreneur”? It’s a woman who sets up her own business in addition to caring for her dependents – children, fur babies (even pot plants) and will also support other ladies to reach their goals.
The problem is that there are so few women led businesses out there. (As little as 21% SME’s). This is due to various factors but primarily a lack of time, funds, tech-savviness and confidence to take their business to the next level.
Fempreneurs provides an ecosystem with everything a female SME requires to make their business a success. This includes access to potential customers, coaches, a payment gateway, a courier company and other relevant services (all at negotiated discounted rates).
It’s also a platform for showcasing female writers, artists, influencers and charities. There will be areas on the website for them to connect.
Online marketplaces often fail, the difference with this one is that it will be community driven. There will be incentives for return shoppers, a network of ambassadors promoting the site to their followers, and a team of female coaches helping women navigate the various obstacles experienced when growing a business.
So how can you get involved? Their success lies in people spreading the word and signing up for their launch.
If you are a female entrepreneur/ seller: click here.
If you are a writer/ artist : click here.
If you are an influencer: click here.
For more information – follow them on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok.
Watch my interview with Meg here:

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