Reuterina Probiotic is used to boost your immune system, but as it turns out, they do a lot more than that. They also help with colic, diarrhea and antibiotic side effects.
I did a quick google and I found that blogger Baby Jake’s Mom used it to help with constipation. I also found this study that showed a decrease in crying in colicy babies after using the drops.
Have you ever used probiotics and has it helped you? Or would you be prepared to write some content about it on your blog?
SA Mom blogs has an opportunity for three bloggers and we are looking for interested folk to apply for this.
You would be required to give them:
- content post on your blog
- banners on your blog
- social media
As a blogger you must have
- Facebook and Twitter presence (numbers less important than engagement)
- Families with small kids under 10 who love travel
- Open to using probiotics
- Open to using banners, writing content (they will provide and you will make personal) and sharing social content
All you have to do is fill in the form, and the relevant bloggers will be selected and notified.
Closing Date is: Tuesday 8 November 2016.
Reuterina Probiotic
*using this
I am actually this right now with a teething 1yr old who is also on antibiotics. The runny tummy is awful.
Thanks for the opportunity to apply.