Having a child is certainly an opportune time to budget. You now have to cover nappies, clothes and school fees, to name just a few things. One thing that you certainly should not neglect is your medical aid. Make sure that you are sufficiently covered during your pregnancy and birth as well as for your child when they are born.

Back in 2011 when we were expecting Nicky, we decided that for 2012 we would upgrade our medical aid plan to a higher level. This is because of those many (expensive) gynae visits along with the fact that having high blood pressure made it a high risk pregnancy.
Health plans for pregnancy
When looking at medical aid plans: find out how much your gynaecologist will cost per visit, and how much your medical aid will pay. Do the same for the birth. Another option which our gynae did was to make some of the visits with the midwife (just to keep track) and then he would do the really important milestone ones. This also brought costs down.

If you look at the current best health plans for pregnancy in South Africa, there are different options depending on what you want. According to medicalaid.com, where you can search medical aids just like you can search insurance like Hippo, they have lined up some good answers. Are you looking for the overall best? (Discovery) The most extensive? (Bonitas) Pay as you go? (FedHealth) The broadest range of low cost options? (Momentum Health) Or best customer service? (BestMed)
Medical aid for kids
Perhaps you aren’t looking for medical aid for yourself, but just for a child. Medical aid for kids is also an option that you should keep in mind when planning your family.

One of the first big expenses your baby will have (after birth) is the first paediatrician visit at six weeks. This is just to check that everything is developing as normal.
Other than that you’ve already been going to the local nurse for those injections which also add up, but try to find a nice one who does both state and medical aid injections and gives you the low down on what you really need.

Probably the main reason we really need medical aid is for those unforeseen circumstances when your child really gets sick, has an injury or needs any kind of medical care.
Speaking from experience, it seems during winter that we are often at the doctor. And those consultations can add up if you are not covered. And then there’s always those unexpected events like that time Nicky had to have a dental operation.
Choosing the right medical aid for your needs
It might seem pretty overwhelming when trying to choose a medical aid that will keep you covered and not break the bank either. That’s why using a site like medicalaid.com will help you line up all those options and make an informed decision.
You’ve got enough to worry about, looking after your pregnant body and caring for a baby. Don’t let medical expenses be a headache as well. Information is power so use the site to narrow down your options and get the peace of mind that you need.
Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by Medicalaid.com
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