Many of us, including myself, struggle to define who we are, what we want from life and what our purpose is (outside of being a mother).
We often loose ourselves after we have our children and get caught up in who we are in relation to our children.
Marcia is one of the few people I know who not only lives intentionally but also knows exactly who she is, what she wants and how she is going to get it. She is not going to avoid eye contact when asked what her strengths (or faults) are, she answers confidently and with purpose.
Marcia has developed an online workshop that will help you discover who you are and how you can live a more intentional life called Discover Yourself.
Can you answer these questions?
- What are you passionate about?
- What does success mean to you?
- What is your life purpose?
- Do you know what your strengths are?
- Do you know your values?
- Do you have beliefs holding you back?
Once you have completed this course you will have all the answers to these questions (and probably more).
We are giving away a spot on this e-course. It is a four week course that will change your life!
To enter tell us in the comments what one of your strengths are.
Competition is open to anyone!
Competition ends 14 October 2014
If you think this is something your friends will also enjoy, please share on Facebook and Twitter.
My greatest strength is following my heart wherever it leads me
My main strength is my loyalty
Please can i win? My main strenght, I believe is my resilience
I would love to win this! One o my strengths is my reliability. I hate letting people down and tend to be a people pleaser (is that a strength – I don’t know) but either way, when I promise to do something, you can bet your bottom dollar that I am going to do it.
This sounds exciting!
I confident and outgoing and not afraid to try new things – but have kinda lost myself ….
Ha! Only one? Heehee 🙂
I am quite forward thinking. I like to think ahead, plan ahead and create as many lists and spreadsheets as needed to get there. Execution is my main weakness though! Conundrum.
Love this prize!
I love people and I love getting involved in ‘stuff’. I remember birthdays, friends’ doctors appointments, exams, and important meetings. I love sending cupcakes to my toddlers school on Valentine’s Day, or seedlings in conpostable cups on Arbor Day. I studied PR so know a ‘little about everything’ but have often joked that I don’t have ‘a calling’. I’ve found more of myself through blogging and love the idea of this course!! Sounds amazing!
I have quite a few strengths…(pause to think)…probably my greatest strength is my reliability. Part of my reliability is consistently being there, I have a 100% on time record at work and have had it for the last three years. But it’s more than that. People know that they can trust me to do what I say I will do, they trust me to deliver.
Resilient – I manage and survive some crazy situations and always get back to shape .
Pick me, pick me. Ummm I think being personable is a strength.
I would love to win this. One of my strengths… creativity