Before I get going with reporting back on this survey, take a moment and do Cindy’s survey here. Cindy is the wonder woman who organised the CT Meetup and blogs at 3 Kids, 2 Dogs and 1 Old House.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the blogger survey. Thank you to those who forwarded the link through twitter and other channels. In the end we had 24 responses.
So, let’s look at the results.
1) The price of a sponsored post.
Only two people would accept R100. I do admit I have done one or two posts in the past for that, but it was with a topic that really interested me, so I suppose it depends. The rest seemed to be split between R250 and R500. Two people said R1000.
I once Googled this and came to a post that said you should at least accept $25 (that’s where I got the idea of R250) because of the effort taken to write the post. If you are seo enabled and using the right keywords, search engines will pick it up.
Interesting, if you look at MyScoop, they say to their clients that sponsored posts will be between R60 – 900.
Eleven people said products would be sufficient, and five said that it should be dependent on stats.
So I’m not coming to any hard or fast conclusion on this yet.
2) How to link stats with payment.
Although various methods such as google analytics and wordpress back office were mentioned, the most interesting response to me was from a PR lady who said it wasn’t so much the number of stats, it was the level of engagement e.g. comments, shares, likes etc. So it’s no good if you have 10 000 page views and nobody comments. She said even if you only have 300 page views but you have a lot of comments, that is valuable. That’s encouraging to me. So I guess we’d have to look at way of measuring that. Any suggestions?
3) Copy and paste vs Own content
Unsurprisingly, nobody wanted to copy and paste, although some would use a combination of both, depending.
4) Money and Products
Interestingly here people are more interested in products because they like to have them, to review them and to give them away.
5) Events
Top of the priorities here again were products and food! Followed by time for questions and travel. As one respondent so aptly put it, we should be treated like online journalists, and another said there is an exchange, for these perks the client does expect some kind of coverage. We also want information on the product.
Generally bloggers like events and have had good experiences of them. It would also be nice on the invitation to get the relevant twitter hashtags and handles to promote, and also to get sufficient notice of the event.
6) Sponsored Posts
These posts are only prefered if the product are liked by the blogger and readers of the blog. Posts must be marked as sponsored. We don’t like “media releases” or people who take time to deliver prizes. The PR lady said bloggers need to have their info on hand of stats of fans, followers or readers. Cultivate your social media as well.
Thank you to those who shared some contact details of PR people but I still need more. Please can you email me any contacts you have to, thanks.
These really were interesting results! Thank you so much for doing the leg work. I have some more results from the meet up that I will publish as soon as I get them all together.