I have started taking the Gautrain to Joburg when I have events/meetings that are near a station, the other day I decided to see if I could find a podcast or two to listen to and I remembered someone on of our groups mentioning ProBlogger, so I started listening to their 30 Days to Build a Better Blog series of podcasts.
I could have just spent the day on the train just listening to the entire series. Over the last few weeks I have worked my way through most of them and some of it I do, some of it I know but am too lazy to do and some I never knew at all.
These are a few of the things I have learnt from the podcasts.
Finding the POINT of my blog. In this podcast Darren Rowse outlines an exercise that is aimed at helping you come up with blog post ideas but what it also does is help you find a POINT to your blog, once you have a point you can brainstorm ideas. I sat down and did this for both this blog and HarassedMom. It was such a great idea and has generated a huge amount of possible content for both blogs.
Create a calendar. I have started with this one but it is proving a little challenging because my days aren’t as predictable as I initially assumed. Basically you need to schedule time for everything, even the type of posts you want to write, the time you spend on social media, etc. I have used my email calendar to plan my day and add in things like “Update pinterest” or “Write weekly blog posts” and then on my actual blogs I schedule the posts – Tuesdays are generally my recipe/food days, Mondays are list posts etc. It helps to prevent sitting down and thinking about what to write, if you know tomorrow is a list post and you have your list of possible topics from the above point, it makes it slightly easier to find something to write about.
I loved this idea of creating a sneeze page! I am not even going to try to explain it, listen to the podcast. Basically what it does is encourage people to go deeper into your blog, stay longer and read more, which is ultimately what you want.
I really recommend spending some time listening to the Podcasts that interest you, there is a lot of information and some great ideas to improve the way you blog.
I took the advice below at the beginning of the year as I really wanted to neaten up my blog.
Thank you for the advice.I like the calender thing: I keep a notebook next to my bed and at my desk for blog ideas (DIY’s , crafts and posts in general).