Adventures in my monologues, that’s what you’ll find here.
Life Musings
A blog about me and our adventures. Some stories. Mostly photos.
3. MomAgain@40
Working Mom over 40.
Toddler turned Preschooler.
Add student.
Juggling the rat race in Johannesburg.
Attached to my iPad.
Technology changing parenting and education! Loving it!
I was Cassie, a 32 year old fun loving, slightly crazy and colourful Jozi Girl. But now I am Mommy, an HR Manager and a Part-Time Student and Full Time Single Mom by day. By night I’m a future Superhero.
This space is for us to jot down our adventures and misadventures as the two of us grow and get to know each other. It is also a place where we unveil our plot to conquer the world in high heels and nappies.
You, Baby and I is a network created to organise events online and offline for parents and kids. We blog, we review and share our favourite brands.
Hi… I’m Shan, I’m 23 years old with a 20 month baby girl from Gauteng South Africa. I’m a Brand Evangelist/Blogger/Vlogger who loves sharing my views and discussing my favourite brands. I got married when I was 21 to an awesome guy =) from Sri Lanka, who shares the same interests as me. We are best friends, business partners, parents, husband and wife. We were lucky enough to be blessed with a baby girl named Kitana on August 2nd 2012.
On my blog, I will be honest and share my emotions as a young mother. I’m obsessed with social media, spa treatments, travel, fine dining and anything baby.
6. Kookalooks
Hi and welcome to Kookalooks.
I’m Wendy and as the strap line of this blog says, this is a sort-of mommy blog.
I’m a Mommy to Lilia and twins Michael and Grace Mae. I’m a freelance business writer, newly-converted yoga addict and wannabe fly fisherwoman.
While I promise not to overload you with mommy stuff, I do talk about some baby-related things (it’s a huge part of my life, after all).
But this space is also for interesting discoveries, recipes, fashion, books, photography, travel and other lovely finds.
Mommy of a primary school girl, fraternal twin boys, two elderly labrador girls and one lively labrador boy, Wife of a wonderful man, Daughter and Architect. Juggling the craziness of life.
Working Mom to our medical miracle IVF twins. Our boy and girl were born in November 2011 after conquering infertility and being told we would never have biological kids as my hubby had zero sperm. Feel like I am living the dream (only some days with twin pre-schoolers it feels like a little bit of a nightmare).
9. Italy Can Wait
I am Lily, an Icelandic living in South Africa with my partner, daughter and baby Bo. I am passionate about many things but suffering from a serious case of baby brain at the moment. Enjoying and adjusting to life in South Africa… And being a baby mum…Again. (It is so much harder this time around!)
R (My hubby to be) wants nothing more than to retire in Italy.. In the meantime, the kids have demanded a stable childhood filled with fairy tales – so we are, at least, trying to fulfill the stable childhood part…Putting down roots and, to be honest, just trying to get the kids into adulthood semi undamaged.
I want to use this blog to map our journey, get inspired and structure my scattered thoughts.
Hi, I am Maz. Welcome to my blog/sanitarium.
Even though I am a fashion designer and completely in love with it, this is not a fashion blog.. Well, not completely.
I am a working mom & self-confessed recovering workaholic. I have a gorgeous 3-year old girl and I am currently pregnant with baby #2! I live in the Southern Suburbs in Cape Town with my crazy skateboarding & craft beer loving husband, our two weird cats and of course little miss Mikayla Rose.
This is a place where I can release my thoughts & I have plenty (good, weird, and probably bad!) I don’t want my head to explode, so this will be my outlet.
All posts are based on my personal opinions & experiences, so please feel free to leave a comment; we can only learn and grow from listening to what others have to say.
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A celebration of life, joy, music and success. The world through my eyes.
A focus on the best lifestyle, being a yummy mommy, working hard at your career and enjoying life and faith.
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Pregnant in Cape Town began as my pregnancy diary and grew into “& everything after” with the birth of my first child, Charlotte Rose in February 2014. I share my honest reflections on my journey through pregnancy and parenthood with others in blog posts and on social media platforms.
13. Working Mother Warrior
Working Mother Warrior focuses on family and work issues as experienced by South African working mothers. The idea is to share information and act as an online support structure.
14. Daniel and Tasco
Musing of a Mom, Wife and a Writer rolled into one!
I’m the mom who is always rushing off in one directions and it seems that my son, Daniel, has inherited those traits. So I write about him, our lives and our history. Although I work full time, I try spend as much time writing as possible.
I am the author of the children’s book series called The Adventures of Daniel and Tasco, based on the gallivanting of my son Daniel and his German Shepherd friend Tasco. People’s journey to writing has always been such an inspiration and it was always my dream to write about my own life and thoughts so I made it happen!
My blog is about my life, how I perceive people and situations, which products I love and why. My life and my family. Lifestyle & beauty blog if you may.
My blog is about my life with twins and a husband and how I deal with every day life. My hobbies and what I love, my interests and fitness is all featured.
17. Torn Jeans and Corporate Suits
I share my thoughts on issues around motherhood, women@work and relationships…
18. The Jozi WAHM’s Guide to Everything
A Johannesburg work from home mother of two shares her news, views and guidance on everything relating to work and play in the city of Johannesburg.
19. Hands-On Moms
Hands-on Moms is a handy resource aimed specifically at South African moms and dads. We feature DIYs, news and articles relating to pregnancy, child development, breastfeeding and more!
Being a fledgling blog (Est. 2015), we are still in the process of filling our pages with content. But with new articles every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday – you are sure to find that we will be leaving the nest in style shortly.
20. Legally Brunette & Curvy
My blog is a description of who I am. It is fairly new and it depicts things that are important to me. I have a special feature that I use to write letters to my sons in the hope that one day they will read them and when I am no longer on this earth, they always have words from me. I also write a bit about fashion and health, particularly the Tim Noakes banting lifestyle.
I’m a mom, I am real, I make mistakes, I cry, I stress and I laugh. I want my readers to see this from my blog.
21. Tyranny of Pink
Tyranny of Pink is about following your heart. It’s about transition and change and the times we feel so lost as we move from one period in our lives to the next. I want to inspire people to live their best lives while writing about my journey finding mine.
I believe that loving life is completely possible if we just make the decision to follow our true calling. I believe we should all do things in our own original way and that we should always follow our hearts. Sometimes we have to close our eyes and jump without knowing where we will end up.
Tyranny of Pink is a space to be unapologetically me and to encourage you to be you because in the end, all we really have is who we are and the only way to really experience life is to be the best possible version of yourself that you can be.
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Ramblings of an aspiring Muslim. Pondering out loud about how to live in this world whilst trying to achieve for the hereafter.
23.Shell Shocked Mummy
Shell Shocked Mummy is the place I retreat to, to combine the things I love. My family, My love for the written word and my love of life.
I chronicle my life journey with a strong focus on adoption. My hope for Shell Shocked Mummy is to entertain, inspire or to provoke conversations around the things that I am passionate about.
You are likely to find parenting stories but never parenting advice because I am the most clueless mom you will ever meet. I am in the trenches trying to do the best I can at parenting and at life.
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Hello! My name is Yasmin, creator of the South African mommy blog, Pretty Please Mommy. I am a working mom in the corporate world by day and a nurturing juggler by night. I reside in Johannesburg with my partner (Wesley) and our 2 kids (Zako and Xia).
Zako and Xia are my world. They light up my life and make me smile daily for no specific reason. They make me believe in magic and miracles. I am far from being the perfect mom, I make mistakes (all the time), I miss being able to sleep late, but one thing’s for sure – the lessons I learn from them are invaluable. They have opened my eyes up to the beauty of living.
I hope you enjoy it!
Musings of a woman, wife, mother of 4, runner, blogger, bakestress, lover of sweets and chocolates, inhabitant of Joburg. I am here. I am alive, searching for the More that there must be.