1. Randomly Ruminating
For a long time I have debated (with myself of course) whether to do this or not. Am I going to offend my family and friends? Will I be locked up in a padded cell and the key thrown away?
The reality is I feel like I am from a different planet and for so many years I have desperately tried to fit in, succeeded for a short while and failed.
I am a wife (2nd time) to a wonderful man, Dave. I have 2 sons one of whom is married. Dave has a son and a daughter both married. Between us we have 6 grandchildren.
A few years ago I did an exercise to establish my core principles and one of them was that I need to be authentic. The real ME!
So here I am. I am going to share my hopes and fears, my travels, my work, my ADHD, which was only diagnosed at 51, my attempts at writing fiction and non-fiction, my views on politics, business, sex, relationships, money, religion and anything else that comes to mind.
As much of my work involves working with ADHD families I am passionate about the turbulent relationships ADDers have and our daily struggles to cope as parents and in the workplace.
Sometimes I start a post, lose interest and move on. Well that is how my posts will be. Sometimes there is only a headline and then I can’t think how to express myself. I may come back to it a week, a month, a year later – perhaps never.
Serious, sarky, humorous, angry, ironic or sad I will share my thoughts.
This is the real ME and I am so looking forward to this new venture.
Mommy of a primary school girl, fraternal twin boys, two elderly labrador girls and one lively labrador boy, Wife of a wonderful man, Daughter and Architect. Juggling the craziness of life.
3. Muse Lee Mom
I’ve just started blogging. It’s a bit of a mismatch of things, homeschool stuff will pop up as will photography stuff, home mom stuff and basically a bit of every, just like a good muesli.
I am a Cape Town based mom, with one boy, he is currently 5. He is a special needs boy and I homeschool him.
I am a photographer, children and families when I’m not being a mom 🙂
I am raising an autistic son. He is pre verbal and also academically challenged. My blog is about our life and a record of my son’s progress.
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5. ChevsLife
Expecting the Unexpected!
6. My Gifts From Above
I am a recent stay (and work) @ home mom. My oldest has special needs (lack of oxygen at birth) and my other lil man is a year younger (born 6 weeks prem and 3 days before his oldest brother’s 1st birthday). 2015 has seen both the boys starting school which has been a major adjustment (mostly for mom #sadface).
I love to try new things and share them on the blog, from new products to recipes and crafts (#pinterestobsessed).
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7. Mommy Says
At Mommy Says we want to provide all Mom’s-to-be with a website that will answer as many of their questions as possible.
We also want to provide a safe place for Mom’s to chat with other mom’s who are going through similar experiences. You don’t need to chat, you could also just read about other mothers’ experiences as we have a bunch of real life stories. We hope to help every mother out there not to just feel better about themself as a mom, but just to help them get through the day. Motherhood isn’t always easy and it helps a lot to have someone to chat to. Especially someone who knows what you are going through and who is going through the same thing. Who knows… you might even pick up some helpful tips and tricks.
A lot of women struggle the first few days. I hope to provide them with a shoulder to cry on so to say. Not only does the blog offer advice, information and a safe place to chat, I also want to assist when it comes to buying baby related products.
I will be posting articles on a couple of subjects that a lot people don’t want to talk about or sometimes don’t even know of and I feel that you should know about and make informed decisions when it comes to your baby, your body and your family.