A blog about me and our adventures. Some stories. Mostly photos.
2. 3 Kids, 2 Dogs and 1 Old House
I’m Cindy, the author/blog slave behind 3 Kids, 2 Dogs and 1 Old House.
Although I may be the one writing it – my handsome, hipster husband Seth, our beautiful daughters Kyla (4) and Riya (3) and our long awaited little boy Knox (1) are the reason that I started (and continue) to blog. Capturing our life together in a fun and interesting way is really important to me – I’m always hoping that they will go back and read it one day.
We are all about good coffee, wine and chocolate, kids crafts, grain/dairy free yummy food, gorgeous kids clothes, DIY projects that make our house more of a home, throw in some tattoos and the love to just spend time together as a family exploring what Cape Town (and South Africa) have available to us and that would just about sum us up – sort of. While all those things are awesome and fun I want to always be real about parenting being super rewarding but also really challenging.
You, Baby and I is a network created to organise events online and offline for parents and kids. We blog, we review and share our favourite brands.
Hi… I’m Shan, I’m 23 years old with a 20 month baby girl from Gauteng South Africa. I’m a Brand Evangelist/Blogger/Vlogger who loves sharing my views and discussing my favourite brands. I got married when I was 21 to an awesome guy =) from Sri Lanka, who shares the same interests as me. We are best friends, business partners, parents, husband and wife. We were lucky enough to be blessed with a baby girl named Kitana on August 2nd 2012.
On my blog, I will be honest and share my emotions as a young mother. I’m obsessed with social media, spa treatments, travel, fine dining and anything baby.
I’m a working mom dealing with parenting a beautiful little boy after losing his big brother to Neonatal death. This is my life focusing on family, friends, fashion, faith and crafts, can’t forget crafts…
Mommy of a primary school girl, fraternal twin boys, two elderly labrador girls and one lively labrador boy, Wife of a wonderful man, Daughter and Architect. Juggling the craziness of life.
6. Muse Lee Mom
I’ve just started blogging. It’s a bit of a mismatch of things, homeschool stuff will pop up as will photography stuff, home mom stuff and basically a bit of every, just like a good muesli.
I am a Cape Town based mom, with one boy, he is currently 5. He is a special needs boy and I homeschool him.
I am a photographer, children and families when I’m not being a mom 🙂
7. Becoming You
I’m a lifestyle & family blogger covering a variety of topics including travel, beauty, style, fashion, family, interiors, photography, inspiration! I work from home as an online writer in social media and am a mom of 2!
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I’m a 28 year old mother of 3 kiddies, aged 5, 3 & almost 2.
I’m a work-from-home, stay-at-home mom with a small accounting business.
I love my life, my kids and my Toppie, my wonderful husband of almost 5 years now.
My kids….
Calum Daniel: My Miracle child, born on my birthday and survivor despite all the odds being against him. We had a difficult, emotional, roller coaster pregnancy with him, Wrap-around placenta (the start of placenta pervia) and numerous almost miscarriages.
Coel Jacob: My Happy child, born 4 days ahead of schedule, by surprising us and making me go into labour early. Always smiling, i can never be cross with him. He’s friendly and happy.
Codi-Beth: Our little Tiny Princess, new to the world. Growing everyday
My Toppie…..
My husband, my grump, the love of my life.
9. Yellow Lab
Yellow Lab blog is the behind the scenes to photographers and designers Salomé and Jonathan who run Yellow Lab, a photography and design studio. We share recent photo shoots, personal posts about family, our little boy Odin, fur babies Lily and Poppy and anything else that inspires us, even DIY.
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10. For His Love
With the birth of my son began the hardest episode in my life: Postnatal Anxiety and Depression coupled with PPOCD. I started my blog to bring a lot more awereness of PND in South Africa. I needed this blog a long time ago, someone to tell me that I’m not alone…I searched and searched, and met beautiful women from the Netherlands, USA, China…all over the world. But none from my country, none in my culture. I cannot be the only one, not when 13% of women go through this. And so I share my story and journey to help others after me. It just might save somebody’s life.
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11. My Gifts From Above
I am a recent stay (and work) @ home mom. My oldest has special needs (lack of oxygen at birth) and my other lil man is a year younger (born 6 weeks prem and 3 days before his oldest brother’s 1st birthday). 2015 has seen both the boys starting school which has been a major adjustment (mostly for mom #sadface).
I love to try new things and share them on the blog, from new products to recipes and crafts (#pinterestobsessed).
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12. My Boys Hood
A fun space created for my boys, Calin (10) and Sashin (3), sharing our adventures, building memories, and posting our favourite things from forts, cooking to books.
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13. East Coast Life
I have just moved to the coastal town of Ballito and my blog now chronicles life in Ballito. There will be posts for people wanting to make the move to the coast and lots of posts about the fun things we as a family do. Restaurant and travel reviews on as regular a basis as our budget affords.
14. Well, This is Unexpected
Newly found blog following my pregnancy journey after being told I wouldn’t be able to conceive naturally and the ride into motherhood. Category: Novice Mom.
15.Ferocious Haven
I blog about things I love food, photography,beauty , products reviews and many more