Motherhood after infertility: I blog about my long awaited son, born June 2012. Toddler trials, SA life and I like to read books on parenting and infertility.
I am writing two blogs at the moment. In Mommyhood with Love I share my experience as a Mom of two precious girls. I also share advice if I have any to give. Four years ago at the age of 31 I became a Mom and have loved every moment since, all challenges considered. Our girls differ so much in their personalities, but each of them are very strong-willed. It is amazing and such a privilege watching them grow and being their mommy.
Music loving, wine sipping, book whore! 40+ Adoptive Mom x2, newbie runner, blogger & fat girl slim with #lchf!
I’m a working mom dealing with parenting a beautiful little boy after losing his big brother to Neonatal death. This is my life focusing on family, friends, fashion, faith and crafts, can’t forget crafts…
Working Mom to our medical miracle IVF twins. Our boy and girl were born in November 2011 after conquering infertility and being told we would never have biological kids as my hubby had zero sperm. Feel like I am living the dream (only some days with twin pre-schoolers it feels like a little bit of a nightmare).
6. 4aKid
4aKid blog consists of a mix of Ally Cohen’s interests like baking, cooking, parenting etc as well as 4aKid’s products, competition and trends.
7. For His Love
With the birth of my son began the hardest episode in my life: Postnatal Anxiety and Depression coupled with PPOCD. I started my blog to bring a lot more awereness of PND in South Africa. I needed this blog a long time ago, someone to tell me that I’m not alone…I searched and searched, and met beautiful women from the Netherlands, USA, China…all over the world. But none from my country, none in my culture. I cannot be the only one, not when 13% of women go through this. And so I share my story and journey to help others after me. It just might save somebody’s life.
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8. Mother in the Making… Naturally
A mother of two, a wife of one and a stuart of a million dreams. I love to sing, I love to write, I love to read and I love to dance. I love to run, I love to travel, I love to learn history and I love to ride… Bicycles, horses and fast cars. This is mere touching at what the world has to offer… Isn’t life a joy ride… but nothing compares to the great honor and responsibility of caring for a child. This is my journey to becoming a mother, day by day, in the most possible natural way that I can manage at any given stage. Being a mother is almost like trying to be more and more like Jesus… its something you are striving for daily but you just never arrive! Every milestone in a child’s life is a new road on the existing journey of becoming a mother… Come join me on my journey of raising a family in the most natural possible way that you can manage at the given time in your life… it’s the time of our lives!
9. What Happened to My Body
A little space in the big wide web where I can share all the ups downs and daily life journeys of the Thomas gang.
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10. Well, This is Unexpected
Newly found blog following my pregnancy journey after being told I wouldn’t be able to conceive naturally and the ride into motherhood. Category: Novice Mom.
11.Coffee at Claire’s
An atypical parenting blog. We parent. We drink wine. And we do those things at the same time.
I am not your cup of comfortable tea. I shoot from the hip. I say it straight. It gets me into trouble, but it also got me this far.
My mother always told me to watch my mouth. And that having a blog and a twitter account is probably not the wisest idea considering I do in fact have a big mouth.
But I know who I am and it is time the rest of you know too. My name will be printed on the spine of many books.
I do not follow the herd. I stand alone. I am fiercely independent. I am a unique person in a world of simple copycats. If you need an antidote for generic – I am it. (Ok so I adapted this off my favourite restaurant menu, but big ups to OMB!)
I am…
A parent. A writer. A friend.
12.Shell Shocked Mummy
Shell Shocked Mummy is the place I retreat to, to combine the things I love. My family, My love for the written word and my love of life.
I chronicle my life journey with a strong focus on adoption. My hope for Shell Shocked Mummy is to entertain, inspire or to provoke conversations around the things that I am passionate about.
You are likely to find parenting stories but never parenting advice because I am the most clueless mom you will ever meet. I am in the trenches trying to do the best I can at parenting and at life.
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