1. The Erudite Mom
I am a single mother to a beautiful boy, and I’m loving it. I am an info junkie, my blog is where I share all my research. I follow a natural / attachment parenting philosophy, and am passionate about breastfeeding.
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Journey with me as I make a career change towards making a difference in the lives of women and their families here in Durban, South Africa.
3. Mom’s the Word
I am an average, mostly hardworking mommy of one very busy little boy and pregnant with my second, who will probably never completely lose all my pregnancy weight.
I try my best to not be the worst mom in the world – i read most parenting books and manuals out there, and try to find a structure and parenting model that fits us.
This journey is an awesome way to meet new people, gather invaluable opinions – not all followed, encounter opportunities and people I never otherwise would have!
This blog is a way to make sense of my journey – to keep myself accountable to be the best mommy to my little boys and to keep sane all at the same time!
I am raising an autistic son. He is pre verbal and also academically challenged. My blog is about our life and a record of my son’s progress.
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I am a home schooling mom to 3 kids. I maintain my sanity by knitting and blogging. I design knitting patterns and have a video podcast about knitting and South Africa.
Musing of a Mom, Wife and a Writer rolled into one!
I’m the mom who is always rushing off in one directions and it seems that my son, Daniel, has inherited those traits. So I write about him, our lives and our history. Although I work full time, I try spend as much time writing as possible.
I am the author of the children’s book series called The Adventures of Daniel and Tasco, based on the gallivanting of my son Daniel and his German Shepherd friend Tasco. People’s journey to writing has always been such an inspiration and it was always my dream to write about my own life and thoughts so I made it happen!
7. Mother in the Making… Naturally
A mother of two, a wife of one and a stuart of a million dreams. I love to sing, I love to write, I love to read and I love to dance. I love to run, I love to travel, I love to learn history and I love to ride… Bicycles, horses and fast cars. This is mere touching at what the world has to offer… Isn’t life a joy ride… but nothing compares to the great honor and responsibility of caring for a child. This is my journey to becoming a mother, day by day, in the most possible natural way that I can manage at any given stage. Being a mother is almost like trying to be more and more like Jesus… its something you are striving for daily but you just never arrive! Every milestone in a child’s life is a new road on the existing journey of becoming a mother… Come join me on my journey of raising a family in the most natural possible way that you can manage at the given time in your life… it’s the time of our lives!
8.Simply Balanced Beginnings
My blog, Simply Balanced Beginnings, is an online parenting resource for thinking parents. I aim to inform parents on the choices presented to them during pregnancy and parenting, and to empower them to then make informed decisions based on the knowledge they have.
I practice and support breastfeeding, attachment parenting, baby led weaning, baby wearing, and loving a conscious eco friendly life. My blog therefore covers all of these topics and aims to keep parents informed and empowered on all topics pregnancy, birth, and parenting related.
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