1. MomAgain@40
Working Mom over 40.
Toddler turned Preschooler.
Add student.
Juggling the rat race in Johannesburg.
Attached to my iPad.
Technology changing parenting and education! Loving it!
Music loving, wine sipping, book whore! 40+ Adoptive Mom x2, newbie runner, blogger & fat girl slim with #lchf!
Mommy of a primary school girl, fraternal twin boys, two elderly labrador girls and one lively labrador boy, Wife of a wonderful man, Daughter and Architect. Juggling the craziness of life.
My name is Ursula but friends and family call me Sula. I am a South African woman born in 1968. I love reading, writing, nature, travel, baking, poetry, music and life. Some of my work has been published: journal extracts in the South African anthology “Glass Jars Among Trees”, Fair Lady magazine and poetry in a few anthologies. My dream is to see my children’s book ‘Snuffles & the Cloud People’ published; this was illustrated by my mum. In 1996 I founded LiPS (The Durban Live Poets Society) which continues to thrive with a life of its own since I left Natal in 2000. I grew up in a creative environment: my Mum is an award winning artist and my Dad is a photographer. I am married (for the 2nd time) and have 4 children born in 89, 91, 07 & 10. After more than 20 years working in a corporate environment I gave up work to be at home with my children.
I am raising an autistic son. He is pre verbal and also academically challenged. My blog is about our life and a record of my son’s progress.
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The mom diaries is a blog about raising two little boys and all the mess in between. Like the name states it is a way I as a mom can record all my stories of motherhood : The things my kids teach me and the journey motherhood has taken me on. It’s all a way of connecting with other moms who are are going through similar things and who are looking for a place to commiserate over all the crazy stuff motherhood throws at us.