1. Kookalooks
Hi and welcome to Kookalooks.
I’m Wendy and as the strap line of this blog says, this is a sort-of mommy blog.
I’m a Mommy to Lilia and twins Michael and Grace Mae. I’m a freelance business writer, newly-converted yoga addict and wannabe fly fisherwoman.
While I promise not to overload you with mommy stuff, I do talk about some baby-related things (it’s a huge part of my life, after all).
But this space is also for interesting discoveries, recipes, fashion, books, photography, travel and other lovely finds.
Mommy of a primary school girl, fraternal twin boys, two elderly labrador girls and one lively labrador boy, Wife of a wonderful man, Daughter and Architect. Juggling the craziness of life.
Working Mom to our medical miracle IVF twins. Our boy and girl were born in November 2011 after conquering infertility and being told we would never have biological kids as my hubby had zero sperm. Feel like I am living the dream (only some days with twin pre-schoolers it feels like a little bit of a nightmare).
4. The Kenny Family
A creative outlet for all the things that goes with life with our twin boys. A space where I can share my feelings, experiences and opinions on married life, being a mommy and myself.
5. . Mother in the Making… Naturally
A mother of two, a wife of one and a stuart of a million dreams. I love to sing, I love to write, I love to read and I love to dance. I love to run, I love to travel, I love to learn history and I love to ride… Bicycles, horses and fast cars. This is mere touching at what the world has to offer… Isn’t life a joy ride… but nothing compares to the great honor and responsibility of caring for a child. This is my journey to becoming a mother, day by day, in the most possible natural way that I can manage at any given stage. Being a mother is almost like trying to be more and more like Jesus… its something you are striving for daily but you just never arrive! Every milestone in a child’s life is a new road on the existing journey of becoming a mother… Come join me on my journey of raising a family in the most natural possible way that you can manage at the given time in your life… it’s the time of our lives!
I recently became stepmom to a gorgeous little girl. This has a lot of challenges, but so many joys too. I’m using the blog to appeal to others in a similar situation, to some extent, but also just to explore the activities, laughs, problems and many opinions involved in being a mom.
I work from home and am committed to a healthy, natural lifestyle as far as possible. So, I’d like for my crafts, remedies and recipes to have a‘green’ slant.
This blog is about my journey through life as a wife, mom to two, step mom to two and a career woman. I also offer occasional Pediatric advice as my husband is a pediatrician.
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