Journey with me as I make a career change towards making a difference in the lives of women and their families here in Durban, South Africa.
2. Baby Blog
Megan Kelly Botha is the author of both a Beauty Blog and Baby Blog.
I am passionate about all things beauty and fashion related and spend most of my time reviewing and trying new products before sharing my experiences here, on my blog.
When I am not blogging, I am recording tutorials while juggling life as a new mom, on a farm with too many dogs and a very adventurous cat by my side, to help with the 300 cows!
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I’m a 28 year old mother of 3 kiddies, aged 5, 3 & almost 2.
I’m a work-from-home, stay-at-home mom with a small accounting business.
I love my life, my kids and my Toppie, my wonderful husband of almost 5 years now.
My kids….
Calum Daniel: My Miracle child, born on my birthday and survivor despite all the odds being against him. We had a difficult, emotional, roller coaster pregnancy with him, Wrap-around placenta (the start of placenta pervia) and numerous almost miscarriages.
Coel Jacob: My Happy child, born 4 days ahead of schedule, by surprising us and making me go into labour early. Always smiling, i can never be cross with him. He’s friendly and happy.
Codi-Beth: Our little Tiny Princess, new to the world. Growing everyday
My Toppie…..
My husband, my grump, the love of my life.
Pregnant in Cape Town began as my pregnancy diary and grew into “& everything after” with the birth of my first child, Charlotte Rose in February 2014. I share my honest reflections on my journey through pregnancy and parenthood with others in blog posts and on social media platforms.
5. Working Mother Warrior
Working Mother Warrior focuses on family and work issues as experienced by South African working mothers. The idea is to share information and act as an online support structure.
6. For His Love
With the birth of my son began the hardest episode in my life: Postnatal Anxiety and Depression coupled with PPOCD. I started my blog to bring a lot more awereness of PND in South Africa. I needed this blog a long time ago, someone to tell me that I’m not alone…I searched and searched, and met beautiful women from the Netherlands, USA, China…all over the world. But none from my country, none in my culture. I cannot be the only one, not when 13% of women go through this. And so I share my story and journey to help others after me. It just might save somebody’s life.
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7. Mommy Says
At Mommy Says we want to provide all Mom’s-to-be with a website that will answer as many of their questions as possible.
We also want to provide a safe place for Mom’s to chat with other mom’s who are going through similar experiences. You don’t need to chat, you could also just read about other mothers’ experiences as we have a bunch of real life stories. We hope to help every mother out there not to just feel better about themself as a mom, but just to help them get through the day. Motherhood isn’t always easy and it helps a lot to have someone to chat to. Especially someone who knows what you are going through and who is going through the same thing. Who knows… you might even pick up some helpful tips and tricks.
A lot of women struggle the first few days. I hope to provide them with a shoulder to cry on so to say. Not only does the blog offer advice, information and a safe place to chat, I also want to assist when it comes to buying baby related products.
I will be posting articles on a couple of subjects that a lot people don’t want to talk about or sometimes don’t even know of and I feel that you should know about and make informed decisions when it comes to your baby, your body and your family.
8. Well, This is Unexpected
Newly found blog following my pregnancy journey after being told I wouldn’t be able to conceive naturally and the ride into motherhood. Category: Novice Mom.
9. Hands-On Moms
Hands-on Moms is a handy resource aimed specifically at South African moms and dads. We feature DIYs, news and articles relating to pregnancy, child development, breastfeeding and more!
Being a fledgling blog (Est. 2015), we are still in the process of filling our pages with content. But with new articles every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday – you are sure to find that we will be leaving the nest in style shortly.
10.Simply Balanced Beginnings
My blog, Simply Balanced Beginnings, is an online parenting resource for thinking parents. I aim to inform parents on the choices presented to them during pregnancy and parenting, and to empower them to then make informed decisions based on the knowledge they have.
I practice and support breastfeeding, attachment parenting, baby led weaning, baby wearing, and loving a conscious eco friendly life. My blog therefore covers all of these topics and aims to keep parents informed and empowered on all topics pregnancy, birth, and parenting related.
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11. The Mom Diaries
The mom diaries is a blog about raising two little boys and all the mess in between. Like the name states it is a way I as a mom can record all my stories of motherhood : The things my kids teach me and the journey motherhood has taken me on. It’s all a way of connecting with other moms who are are going through similar things and who are looking for a place to commiserate over all the crazy stuff motherhood throws at us.