1. Monsters Ed Homeschool Academy
I have been homeschooling since 2008. I am a mom of 4 (1 in the system and 3 homeschooled) and wife to Steven.
2, The Erudite Mom
I am a single mother to a beautiful boy, and I’m loving it. I am an info junkie, my blog is where I share all my research. I follow a natural / attachment parenting philosophy, and am passionate about breastfeeding.
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3. Muse Lee Mom
I’ve just started blogging. It’s a bit of a mismatch of things, homeschool stuff will pop up as will photography stuff, home mom stuff and basically a bit of every, just like a good muesli.
I am a Cape Town based mom, with one boy, he is currently 5. He is a special needs boy and I homeschool him.
I am a photographer, children and families when I’m not being a mom 🙂
Wife, mother, writer, bookworm, recovering chocoholic. Belongs to Jesus. Blogs about marriage, parenting, family and faith.
5. Confessions of a Zombie Mom
Zombie Mom, married to Zombie Dad, mom to two precious princesses: Poppet and Pixie. Seriously sleep-deprived. Reluctant coffee-drinker. Recovering chocoholic.
6. se7en
We are a homeschooling family with “Se7en + 1″ kids living in Cape Town, South Africa. We are a lifestyle blog, representing all things family. We blog about our life and times: arts and crafts; books we are reading; homeschooling and organising a family with eight kids. We love blogging about Cape Town, outings and adventures that we encounter in our day to day life. We also write about parenting and our wandering journey of raising our eight kids, ranging from tots to teens.
I’m a 28 year old mother of 3 kiddies, aged 5, 3 & almost 2.
I’m a work-from-home, stay-at-home mom with a small accounting business.
I love my life, my kids and my Toppie, my wonderful husband of almost 5 years now.
My kids….
Calum Daniel: My Miracle child, born on my birthday and survivor despite all the odds being against him. We had a difficult, emotional, roller coaster pregnancy with him, Wrap-around placenta (the start of placenta pervia) and numerous almost miscarriages.
Coel Jacob: My Happy child, born 4 days ahead of schedule, by surprising us and making me go into labour early. Always smiling, i can never be cross with him. He’s friendly and happy.
Codi-Beth: Our little Tiny Princess, new to the world. Growing everyday
My Toppie…..
My husband, my grump, the love of my life.
I am a home schooling mom to 3 kids. I maintain my sanity by knitting and blogging. I design knitting patterns and have a video podcast about knitting and South Africa.
9. Mother in the Making… Naturally
A mother of two, a wife of one and a stuart of a million dreams. I love to sing, I love to write, I love to read and I love to dance. I love to run, I love to travel, I love to learn history and I love to ride… Bicycles, horses and fast cars. This is mere touching at what the world has to offer… Isn’t life a joy ride… but nothing compares to the great honor and responsibility of caring for a child. This is my journey to becoming a mother, day by day, in the most possible natural way that I can manage at any given stage. Being a mother is almost like trying to be more and more like Jesus… its something you are striving for daily but you just never arrive! Every milestone in a child’s life is a new road on the existing journey of becoming a mother… Come join me on my journey of raising a family in the most natural possible way that you can manage at the given time in your life… it’s the time of our lives!
10. Mommy Says
At Mommy Says we want to provide all Mom’s-to-be with a website that will answer as many of their questions as possible.
We also want to provide a safe place for Mom’s to chat with other mom’s who are going through similar experiences. You don’t need to chat, you could also just read about other mothers’ experiences as we have a bunch of real life stories. We hope to help every mother out there not to just feel better about themself as a mom, but just to help them get through the day. Motherhood isn’t always easy and it helps a lot to have someone to chat to. Especially someone who knows what you are going through and who is going through the same thing. Who knows… you might even pick up some helpful tips and tricks.
A lot of women struggle the first few days. I hope to provide them with a shoulder to cry on so to say. Not only does the blog offer advice, information and a safe place to chat, I also want to assist when it comes to buying baby related products.
I will be posting articles on a couple of subjects that a lot people don’t want to talk about or sometimes don’t even know of and I feel that you should know about and make informed decisions when it comes to your baby, your body and your family.