A blog about me and our adventures. Some stories. Mostly photos.
I was Cassie, a 32 year old fun loving, slightly crazy and colourful Jozi Girl. But now I am Mommy, an HR Manager and a Part-Time Student and Full Time Single Mom by day. By night I’m a future Superhero.
This space is for us to jot down our adventures and misadventures as the two of us grow and get to know each other. It is also a place where we unveil our plot to conquer the world in high heels and nappies.
3. 3 Kids, 2 Dogs and 1 Old House
I’m Cindy, the author/blog slave behind 3 Kids, 2 Dogs and 1 Old House.
Although I may be the one writing it – my handsome, hipster husband Seth, our beautiful daughters Kyla (4) and Riya (3) and our long awaited little boy Knox (1) are the reason that I started (and continue) to blog. Capturing our life together in a fun and interesting way is really important to me – I’m always hoping that they will go back and read it one day.
We are all about good coffee, wine and chocolate, kids crafts, grain/dairy free yummy food, gorgeous kids clothes, DIY projects that make our house more of a home, throw in some tattoos and the love to just spend time together as a family exploring what Cape Town (and South Africa) have available to us and that would just about sum us up – sort of. While all those things are awesome and fun I want to always be real about parenting being super rewarding but also really challenging.
You, Baby and I is a network created to organise events online and offline for parents and kids. We blog, we review and share our favourite brands.
Hi… I’m Shan, I’m 23 years old with a 20 month baby girl from Gauteng South Africa. I’m a Brand Evangelist/Blogger/Vlogger who loves sharing my views and discussing my favourite brands. I got married when I was 21 to an awesome guy =) from Sri Lanka, who shares the same interests as me. We are best friends, business partners, parents, husband and wife. We were lucky enough to be blessed with a baby girl named Kitana on August 2nd 2012.
On my blog, I will be honest and share my emotions as a young mother. I’m obsessed with social media, spa treatments, travel, fine dining and anything baby.
5. The Erudite Mom
I am a single mother to a beautiful boy, and I’m loving it. I am an info junkie, my blog is where I share all my research. I follow a natural / attachment parenting philosophy, and am passionate about breastfeeding.
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6 Exclusive Pumpers South Africa
I am mommy to an amazing little girl. She was never able to latch onto the breast as a baby so I chose to exclusively pump instead of formula feeding. My blog is a support structure for moms who pump, be it exclusively or occasionally for work. I have breast pump reviews, tips and tricks and loads of links to important information for moms who pump.
Journey with me as I make a career change towards making a difference in the lives of women and their families here in Durban, South Africa.
I am a 35 year old momtrepeneour. I have a BComm, partially completed qualifications in accounting honours, CIMA and short term insurance (notice the trend). I am currently studying as a chef (finally something I can relate to). I blog mainly about food and things related to it (Slip in a bit of life with out anyone noticing). I blog because my plants don’t talk back anymore and my kids ignore me. I’ve found a whole new social side to technology and am loving it (borrowed from McDs)
Me and my family’s running- and healthy living adventures on the southern tip of Africa! Celebrating life with thankful hearts.
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Music loving, wine sipping, book whore! 40+ Adoptive Mom x2, newbie runner, blogger & fat girl slim with #lchf!
11. Muse Lee Mom
I’ve just started blogging. It’s a bit of a mismatch of things, homeschool stuff will pop up as will photography stuff, home mom stuff and basically a bit of every, just like a good muesli.
I am a Cape Town based mom, with one boy, he is currently 5. He is a special needs boy and I homeschool him.
I am a photographer, children and families when I’m not being a mom 🙂
12. Pink Hair Girl
I am a home schooling mom to 3 kids. I maintain my sanity by knitting and blogging. I design knitting patterns and have a video podcast about knitting and South Africa.
13. Working Mother Warrior
Working Mother Warrior focuses on family and work issues as experienced by South African working mothers. The idea is to share information and act as an online support structure.
14. For His Love
With the birth of my son began the hardest episode in my life: Postnatal Anxiety and Depression coupled with PPOCD. I started my blog to bring a lot more awereness of PND in South Africa. I needed this blog a long time ago, someone to tell me that I’m not alone…I searched and searched, and met beautiful women from the Netherlands, USA, China…all over the world. But none from my country, none in my culture. I cannot be the only one, not when 13% of women go through this. And so I share my story and journey to help others after me. It just might save somebody’s life.
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My blog is about my life, how I perceive people and situations, which products I love and why. My life and my family. Lifestyle & beauty blog if you may.
16. Clara’s Concept
I am a mother, wife, scientist, project manager, fashion and make up lover. A blogger who’s lifestyle reflects personality and fashion decorates it!
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My blog is about my life with twins and a husband and how I deal with every day life. My hobbies and what I love, my interests and fitness is all featured.
18. Durban Mom
I love a good Mommy blog. The world has millions of determined women telling their stories, sharing their crafts, showing their homes and inspiring bakers around the world.
This is my contribution to world of Mommy blogs. You won’t find advice or philosophical ramblings here, just some useful stuff I’m collecting during our wonderful journey in this beautiful city.
19. Mother in the Making… Naturally
A mother of two, a wife of one and a stuart of a million dreams. I love to sing, I love to write, I love to read and I love to dance. I love to run, I love to travel, I love to learn history and I love to ride… Bicycles, horses and fast cars. This is mere touching at what the world has to offer… Isn’t life a joy ride… but nothing compares to the great honor and responsibility of caring for a child. This is my journey to becoming a mother, day by day, in the most possible natural way that I can manage at any given stage. Being a mother is almost like trying to be more and more like Jesus… its something you are striving for daily but you just never arrive! Every milestone in a child’s life is a new road on the existing journey of becoming a mother… Come join me on my journey of raising a family in the most natural possible way that you can manage at the given time in your life… it’s the time of our lives!
Carla offers professional advice in the form of articles, weekly topic
discussions, daily motivations, nutrition and exercise.
Follow her blog for the latest fitness tips & her journey as a new mom.
Learn to love your new body and embrace the change, while becoming lean, fit and healthy.
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21. East Coast Life
I have just moved to the coastal town of Ballito and my blog now chronicles life in Ballito. There will be posts for people wanting to make the move to the coast and lots of posts about the fun things we as a family do. Restaurant and travel reviews on as regular a basis as our budget affords.
22. Pitch Her Perfect SA
Life can be so depressing when you always look at yourself and say “If I could only fix this, I will be 100% happy”. I’ve been doing this for ages, always questioning things that make me who I am and wondering if I’ll ever be pretty enough, clever enough, rich enough, charming enough, strong enough. But enough is enough.
We can’t all be a size 6 and our hair may not look as glam as the Kardashians’s. Somewhere inside my head I found a space that knows all my best and worst traits and now I want to work with that.
This lifestyle blog is here for everyone who wants to stop stalling and start brawling against the negativity, embrace this one life and all the itches that come with it. I want to have a little fun and you can join in, engage!
If we don’t love ourselves, why should anyone else?
God has blessed us with an amazing life full of lessons, people and stuff to keep us happy and equipped for the day so why complain?
Use your time wisely, take life by the spanks and show it what your mother gave ya. Make this life Pitch Her Perfect!
23. Legally Brunette & Curvy
My blog is a description of who I am. It is fairly new and it depicts things that are important to me. I have a special feature that I use to write letters to my sons in the hope that one day they will read them and when I am no longer on this earth, they always have words from me. I also write a bit about fashion and health, particularly the Tim Noakes banting lifestyle.
I’m a mom, I am real, I make mistakes, I cry, I stress and I laugh. I want my readers to see this from my blog.
24. Live Love Laugh
All about being a happily married mommy to two girlies, loving vino and chocolate, finding inspiration in beautiful quotes, doing arts and crafts, and my forever weight loss journey!
25. My Friend Thinks I’m Supermom
Honest ramblings about my life. Blogging is after all cheaper than therapy! This blog is about me taking life by the horns and dealing with it. I love all things local: food, fashion, fun and life. Reviews and Giveaways too.
26.Ferocious Haven
I blog about things I love food, photography,beauty , products reviews and many more