I am writing two blogs at the moment. In Mommyhood with Love I share my experience as a Mom of two precious girls. I also share advice if I have any to give. Four years ago at the age of 31 I became a Mom and have loved every moment since, all challenges considered. Our girls differ so much in their personalities, but each of them are very strong-willed. It is amazing and such a privilege watching them grow and being their mommy.
My name is Charlene, and I’m a full time mom to Zee, the most incredible little person on the planet. I love shopping, traveling, chocolate, reading, and music (no specific genre, if its good, I’ll play it at full blast and sing along!). I’ve been married to an amazing, loving man for 9 years. While hubby is at work, my day consists of teddy bear tea parties, cartoons, princess dress up, driving to ballet lessons, mommy-daughter milkshake dates, and reading fairy tales. Oh yes, and in between all that, I squeeze in a bit of cooking and cleaning too. I love this mommy gig, tantrum-filled moments and all.
I blog about style and fashion – what I’m wearing, what Zee is wearing, and sometimes the weird or wonderful outfits celebs are wearing. I blog about places we’ve been, food we’ve tried, things we’ve seen.
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You, Baby and I is a network created to organise events online and offline for parents and kids. We blog, we review and share our favourite brands.
Hi… I’m Shan, I’m 23 years old with a 20 month baby girl from Gauteng South Africa. I’m a Brand Evangelist/Blogger/Vlogger who loves sharing my views and discussing my favourite brands. I got married when I was 21 to an awesome guy =) from Sri Lanka, who shares the same interests as me. We are best friends, business partners, parents, husband and wife. We were lucky enough to be blessed with a baby girl named Kitana on August 2nd 2012.
On my blog, I will be honest and share my emotions as a young mother. I’m obsessed with social media, spa treatments, travel, fine dining and anything baby.
4. Life Like Mine
I’m a single mom to the most beautiful little girl, and we live in gorgeous city of Cape Town. I blog about everything and anything, from beauty to music and of course, my daughter.
5. Beauty and The Baby Blog
I am a Port Elizabeth based lifestyle and parenting blogger who loves raving about my ever-exploring toddler son, named Axl. I’ll never admit to goo-hoarding or having too much make-up because to put it simply – you can never have enough! I am fascinated by the beauty world and love exploring new trends. If you’d like to know more about what’s happening locally, enjoy reading reviews and like the extra personal touch – you’re in the right place!`
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6. Kookalooks
Hi and welcome to Kookalooks.
I’m Wendy and as the strap line of this blog says, this is a sort-of mommy blog.
I’m a Mommy to Lilia and twins Michael and Grace Mae. I’m a freelance business writer, newly-converted yoga addict and wannabe fly fisherwoman.
While I promise not to overload you with mommy stuff, I do talk about some baby-related things (it’s a huge part of my life, after all).
But this space is also for interesting discoveries, recipes, fashion, books, photography, travel and other lovely finds.
I’m a working mom dealing with parenting a beautiful little boy after losing his big brother to Neonatal death. This is my life focusing on family, friends, fashion, faith and crafts, can’t forget crafts…
8. Acidicice
My mommy/nail/life blog.
I am a 30-something, Afrikaans speaking, dog-loving, wine drinking, chocolate eating, technologically impaired, belly dancing wife and mommy of one. I love sushi, rock music, tattoos, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, all forms of dance and people who are considerate to strangers. And I live in Cape Town. I am passionate about make-up and skincare, but that has nothing to do with my day job. I love trying new products and techniques and telling all what I think. I’m not into fashion – if I like it i wear it. This blog will probably contain ramblings about old and new products, my make-up, my newly found love for natural skincare, a post here and there about motherhood and raising a toddler, and my LOVE for all the people around me.
What happens if you throw polka dots, cappuccinos, books or a kindle, a toddler who is super clever and prone to allergies and talks as much as her mama, a divorced single mom, a crazy crafty side and a frugal side of note, a mom trying to wrap her head around Motherhood and a lack of sleep and a people’s person who has a thing for cute egg timers and owls? Well me of course! I’m getting through all the insane and crazy bits of life, one step at a time!
11. Becoming You
I’m a lifestyle & family blogger covering a variety of topics including travel, beauty, style, fashion, family, interiors, photography, inspiration! I work from home as an online writer in social media and am a mom of 2!
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12. The Dummy Mommy
My blog is about being a mom, wife, full time employee and running a charity. All the fun things that go with that too.
13. Hayley’s Joys
The blog is about my personal style and love for all things pretty. My daughter, who is growing up way to quickly, is the prettiest little angel in my life.
Hi, I am Maz. Welcome to my blog/sanitarium.
Even though I am a fashion designer and completely in love with it, this is not a fashion blog.. Well, not completely.
I am a working mom & self-confessed recovering workaholic. I have a gorgeous 3-year old girl and I am currently pregnant with baby #2! I live in the Southern Suburbs in Cape Town with my crazy skateboarding & craft beer loving husband, our two weird cats and of course little miss Mikayla Rose.
This is a place where I can release my thoughts & I have plenty (good, weird, and probably bad!) I don’t want my head to explode, so this will be my outlet.
All posts are based on my personal opinions & experiences, so please feel free to leave a comment; we can only learn and grow from listening to what others have to say.
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A celebration of life, joy, music and success. The world through my eyes.
A focus on the best lifestyle, being a yummy mommy, working hard at your career and enjoying life and faith.
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My blog is about my life, how I perceive people and situations, which products I love and why. My life and my family. Lifestyle & beauty blog if you may.
17. Clara’s Concept
I am a mother, wife, scientist, project manager, fashion and make up lover. A blogger who’s lifestyle reflects personality and fashion decorates it!
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My blog is about my life with twins and a husband and how I deal with every day life. My hobbies and what I love, my interests and fitness is all featured.
19. My Gifts From Above
I am a recent stay (and work) @ home mom. My oldest has special needs (lack of oxygen at birth) and my other lil man is a year younger (born 6 weeks prem and 3 days before his oldest brother’s 1st birthday). 2015 has seen both the boys starting school which has been a major adjustment (mostly for mom #sadface).
I love to try new things and share them on the blog, from new products to recipes and crafts (#pinterestobsessed).
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20. Pitch Her Perfect SA
Life can be so depressing when you always look at yourself and say “If I could only fix this, I will be 100% happy”. I’ve been doing this for ages, always questioning things that make me who I am and wondering if I’ll ever be pretty enough, clever enough, rich enough, charming enough, strong enough. But enough is enough.
We can’t all be a size 6 and our hair may not look as glam as the Kardashians’s. Somewhere inside my head I found a space that knows all my best and worst traits and now I want to work with that.
This lifestyle blog is here for everyone who wants to stop stalling and start brawling against the negativity, embrace this one life and all the itches that come with it. I want to have a little fun and you can join in, engage!
If we don’t love ourselves, why should anyone else?
God has blessed us with an amazing life full of lessons, people and stuff to keep us happy and equipped for the day so why complain?
Use your time wisely, take life by the spanks and show it what your mother gave ya. Make this life Pitch Her Perfect!
21. Legally Brunette & Curvy
My blog is a description of who I am. It is fairly new and it depicts things that are important to me. I have a special feature that I use to write letters to my sons in the hope that one day they will read them and when I am no longer on this earth, they always have words from me. I also write a bit about fashion and health, particularly the Tim Noakes banting lifestyle.
I’m a mom, I am real, I make mistakes, I cry, I stress and I laugh. I want my readers to see this from my blog.
I blog about life as a wife, mom of 2, step mom to 1, music reviewer, experimental fashion tryer, lover of God and scholar of life.
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23. My Friend Thinks I’m Supermom
Honest ramblings about my life. Blogging is after all cheaper than therapy! This blog is about me taking life by the horns and dealing with it. I love all things local: food, fashion, fun and life. Reviews and Giveaways too.
24.The Mommy City
Mommy blogger living in Cape Town with her husband and two toddlers (aka monsters). I started blogger after my daughter Paige was born as a way to keep connected with the outside world and share my experiences. Deciding on what to buy as a pregnant mom was overwhelming and often the purchase choices were expensive. I couldn’t find many South African reviews and on products that were available locally. By blogging I hope to help parents find good buys, hopefully save money and also find useful resources to make family life easier.
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25.Ferocious Haven
I blog about things I love food, photography,beauty , products reviews and many more
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A starter mom’s guide,advice and journey to regaining her balance in life, her spirituality, beauty and fabulousity in a new chapter of her life…Motherhood
27. The Mom Diaries
The mom diaries is a blog about raising two little boys and all the mess in between. Like the name states it is a way I as a mom can record all my stories of motherhood : The things my kids teach me and the journey motherhood has taken me on. It’s all a way of connecting with other moms who are are going through similar things and who are looking for a place to commiserate over all the crazy stuff motherhood throws at us.