Motherhood after infertility: I blog about my long awaited son, born June 2012. Toddler trials, SA life and I like to read books on parenting and infertility.
Adventures in my monologues, that’s what you’ll find here.
Life Musings
A blog about me and our adventures. Some stories. Mostly photos.
4. MomAgain@40
Working Mom over 40.
Toddler turned Preschooler.
Add student.
Juggling the rat race in Johannesburg.
Attached to my iPad.
Technology changing parenting and education! Loving it!
I was Cassie, a 32 year old fun loving, slightly crazy and colourful Jozi Girl. But now I am Mommy, an HR Manager and a Part-Time Student and Full Time Single Mom by day. By night I’m a future Superhero.
This space is for us to jot down our adventures and misadventures as the two of us grow and get to know each other. It is also a place where we unveil our plot to conquer the world in high heels and nappies.
My name is Charlene, and I’m a full time mom to Zee, the most incredible little person on the planet. I love shopping, traveling, chocolate, reading, and music (no specific genre, if its good, I’ll play it at full blast and sing along!). I’ve been married to an amazing, loving man for 9 years. While hubby is at work, my day consists of teddy bear tea parties, cartoons, princess dress up, driving to ballet lessons, mommy-daughter milkshake dates, and reading fairy tales. Oh yes, and in between all that, I squeeze in a bit of cooking and cleaning too. I love this mommy gig, tantrum-filled moments and all.
I blog about style and fashion – what I’m wearing, what Zee is wearing, and sometimes the weird or wonderful outfits celebs are wearing. I blog about places we’ve been, food we’ve tried, things we’ve seen.
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7. 3 Kids, 2 Dogs and 1 Old House
I’m Cindy, the author/blog slave behind 3 Kids, 2 Dogs and 1 Old House.
Although I may be the one writing it – my handsome, hipster husband Seth, our beautiful daughters Kyla (4) and Riya (3) and our long awaited little boy Knox (1) are the reason that I started (and continue) to blog. Capturing our life together in a fun and interesting way is really important to me – I’m always hoping that they will go back and read it one day.
We are all about good coffee, wine and chocolate, kids crafts, grain/dairy free yummy food, gorgeous kids clothes, DIY projects that make our house more of a home, throw in some tattoos and the love to just spend time together as a family exploring what Cape Town (and South Africa) have available to us and that would just about sum us up – sort of. While all those things are awesome and fun I want to always be real about parenting being super rewarding but also really challenging.
You, Baby and I is a network created to organise events online and offline for parents and kids. We blog, we review and share our favourite brands.
Hi… I’m Shan, I’m 23 years old with a 20 month baby girl from Gauteng South Africa. I’m a Brand Evangelist/Blogger/Vlogger who loves sharing my views and discussing my favourite brands. I got married when I was 21 to an awesome guy =) from Sri Lanka, who shares the same interests as me. We are best friends, business partners, parents, husband and wife. We were lucky enough to be blessed with a baby girl named Kitana on August 2nd 2012.
On my blog, I will be honest and share my emotions as a young mother. I’m obsessed with social media, spa treatments, travel, fine dining and anything baby.
9.The Erudite Mom
I am a single mother to a beautiful boy, and I’m loving it. I am an info junkie, my blog is where I share all my research. I follow a natural / attachment parenting philosophy, and am passionate about breastfeeding.
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10. Exclusive Pumpers South Africa
I am mommy to an amazing little girl. She was never able to latch onto the breast as a baby so I chose to exclusively pump instead of formula feeding. My blog is a support structure for moms who pump, be it exclusively or occasionally for work. I have breast pump reviews, tips and tricks and loads of links to important information for moms who pump.
Journey with me as I make a career change towards making a difference in the lives of women and their families here in Durban, South Africa.
I am a 35 year old momtrepeneour. I have a BComm, partially completed qualifications in accounting honours, CIMA and short term insurance (notice the trend). I am currently studying as a chef (finally something I can relate to). I blog mainly about food and things related to it (Slip in a bit of life with out anyone noticing). I blog because my plants don’t talk back anymore and my kids ignore me. I’ve found a whole new social side to technology and am loving it (borrowed from McDs)
13. Baby Blog
Megan Kelly Botha is the author of both a Beauty Blog and Baby Blog.
I am passionate about all things beauty and fashion related and spend most of my time reviewing and trying new products before sharing my experiences here, on my blog.
When I am not blogging, I am recording tutorials while juggling life as a new mom, on a farm with too many dogs and a very adventurous cat by my side, to help with the 300 cows!
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14. Kookalooks
Hi and welcome to Kookalooks.
I’m Wendy and as the strap line of this blog says, this is a sort-of mommy blog.
I’m a Mommy to Lilia and twins Michael and Grace Mae. I’m a freelance business writer, newly-converted yoga addict and wannabe fly fisherwoman.
While I promise not to overload you with mommy stuff, I do talk about some baby-related things (it’s a huge part of my life, after all).
But this space is also for interesting discoveries, recipes, fashion, books, photography, travel and other lovely finds.
Music loving, wine sipping, book whore! 40+ Adoptive Mom x2, newbie runner, blogger & fat girl slim with #lchf!
16. Randomly Ruminating
For a long time I have debated (with myself of course) whether to do this or not. Am I going to offend my family and friends? Will I be locked up in a padded cell and the key thrown away?
The reality is I feel like I am from a different planet and for so many years I have desperately tried to fit in, succeeded for a short while and failed.
I am a wife (2nd time) to a wonderful man, Dave. I have 2 sons one of whom is married. Dave has a son and a daughter both married. Between us we have 6 grandchildren.
A few years ago I did an exercise to establish my core principles and one of them was that I need to be authentic. The real ME!
So here I am. I am going to share my hopes and fears, my travels, my work, my ADHD, which was only diagnosed at 51, my attempts at writing fiction and non-fiction, my views on politics, business, sex, relationships, money, religion and anything else that comes to mind.
As much of my work involves working with ADHD families I am passionate about the turbulent relationships ADDers have and our daily struggles to cope as parents and in the workplace.
Sometimes I start a post, lose interest and move on. Well that is how my posts will be. Sometimes there is only a headline and then I can’t think how to express myself. I may come back to it a week, a month, a year later – perhaps never.
Serious, sarky, humorous, angry, ironic or sad I will share my thoughts.
This is the real ME and I am so looking forward to this new venture.
17. Harassed Mom
Most days I am consumed by the mundane chaos of every day life with baby girl, a toddler who has an obsession with climbing, a kid who lives in Never never land and an over achieving tween, a ADHD dog, an over stressed bird and a triathlon obsessed husband.
18. JustEllaBella
I’m a working mom dealing with parenting a beautiful little boy after losing his big brother to Neonatal death. This is my life focusing on family, friends, fashion, faith and crafts, can’t forget crafts…
Mommy of a primary school girl, fraternal twin boys, two elderly labrador girls and one lively labrador boy, Wife of a wonderful man, Daughter and Architect. Juggling the craziness of life.
20. Mommy-At-Last
Working Mom to our medical miracle IVF twins. Our boy and girl were born in November 2011 after conquering infertility and being told we would never have biological kids as my hubby had zero sperm. Feel like I am living the dream (only some days with twin pre-schoolers it feels like a little bit of a nightmare).
I am a 30-something, Afrikaans speaking, dog-loving, wine drinking, chocolate eating, technologically impaired, belly dancing wife and mommy of one. I love sushi, rock music, tattoos, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, all forms of dance and people who are considerate to strangers. And I live in Cape Town. I am passionate about make-up and skincare, but that has nothing to do with my day job. I love trying new products and techniques and telling all what I think. I’m not into fashion – if I like it i wear it. This blog will probably contain ramblings about old and new products, my make-up, my newly found love for natural skincare, a post here and there about motherhood and raising a toddler, and my LOVE for all the people around me.
22. 4aKid
4aKid blog consists of a mix of Ally Cohen’s interests like baking, cooking, parenting etc as well as 4aKid’s products, competition and trends.
What happens if you throw polka dots, cappuccinos, books or a kindle, a toddler who is super clever and prone to allergies and talks as much as her mama, a divorced single mom, a crazy crafty side and a frugal side of note, a mom trying to wrap her head around Motherhood and a lack of sleep and a people’s person who has a thing for cute egg timers and owls? Well me of course! I’m getting through all the insane and crazy bits of life, one step at a time!
24. Becoming You
I’m a lifestyle & family blogger covering a variety of topics including travel, beauty, style, fashion, family, interiors, photography, inspiration! I work from home as an online writer in social media and am a mom of 2!
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25. Skimming Stones
My name is Ursula but friends and family call me Sula. I am a South African woman born in 1968. I love reading, writing, nature, travel, baking, poetry, music and life. Some of my work has been published: journal extracts in the South African anthology “Glass Jars Among Trees”, Fair Lady magazine and poetry in a few anthologies. My dream is to see my children’s book ‘Snuffles & the Cloud People’ published; this was illustrated by my mum. In 1996 I founded LiPS (The Durban Live Poets Society) which continues to thrive with a life of its own since I left Natal in 2000. I grew up in a creative environment: my Mum is an award winning artist and my Dad is a photographer. I am married (for the 2nd time) and have 4 children born in 89, 91, 07 & 10. After more than 20 years working in a corporate environment I gave up work to be at home with my children.
26. The Dummy Mommy
My blog is about being a mom, wife, full time employee and running a charity. All the fun things that go with that too.
Wife, mother, writer, bookworm, recovering chocoholic. Belongs to Jesus. Blogs about marriage, parenting, family and faith.
28. Confessions of a Zombie Mom
Zombie Mom, married to Zombie Dad, mom to two precious princesses: Poppet and Pixie. Seriously sleep-deprived. Reluctant coffee-drinker. Recovering chocoholic.
29. Hayley’s Joys
The blog is about my personal style and love for all things pretty. My daughter, who is growing up way to quickly, is the prettiest little angel in my life.
30. Italy Can Wait
I am Lily, an Icelandic living in South Africa with my partner, daughter and baby Bo. I am passionate about many things but suffering from a serious case of baby brain at the moment. Enjoying and adjusting to life in South Africa… And being a baby mum…Again. (It is so much harder this time around!)
R (My hubby to be) wants nothing more than to retire in Italy.. In the meantime, the kids have demanded a stable childhood filled with fairy tales – so we are, at least, trying to fulfill the stable childhood part…Putting down roots and, to be honest, just trying to get the kids into adulthood semi undamaged.
I want to use this blog to map our journey, get inspired and structure my scattered thoughts.
31. se7en
We are a homeschooling family with “Se7en + 1″ kids living in Cape Town, South Africa. We are a lifestyle blog, representing all things family. We blog about our life and times: arts and crafts; books we are reading; homeschooling and organising a family with eight kids. We love blogging about Cape Town, outings and adventures that we encounter in our day to day life. We also write about parenting and our wandering journey of raising our eight kids, ranging from tots to teens.
32. Toppie se Vrou
I’m a 28 year old mother of 3 kiddies, aged 5, 3 & almost 2.
I’m a work-from-home, stay-at-home mom with a small accounting business.
I love my life, my kids and my Toppie, my wonderful husband of almost 5 years now.
My kids….
Calum Daniel: My Miracle child, born on my birthday and survivor despite all the odds being against him. We had a difficult, emotional, roller coaster pregnancy with him, Wrap-around placenta (the start of placenta pervia) and numerous almost miscarriages.
Coel Jacob: My Happy child, born 4 days ahead of schedule, by surprising us and making me go into labour early. Always smiling, i can never be cross with him. He’s friendly and happy.
Codi-Beth: Our little Tiny Princess, new to the world. Growing everyday
My Toppie…..
My husband, my grump, the love of my life.
33. It’s Not Just Words
My destiny is not a place or an event, it is a path that God has chosen for me to follow. I am a work in progress and even though I may stumble and fall, by His grace I will get to where I am going. I am a daughter, a sister, a wife and a mother. Taking each day as it comes and learning from my mistakes. I blog about anything and everything….mainly life lessons along the way.
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34. The Kenny Family
A creative outlet for all the things that goes with life with our twin boys. A space where I can share my feelings, experiences and opinions on married life, being a mommy and myself.
35. Yellow Lab
Yellow Lab blog is the behind the scenes to photographers and designers Salomé and Jonathan who run Yellow Lab, a photography and design studio. We share recent photo shoots, personal posts about family, our little boy Odin, fur babies Lily and Poppy and anything else that inspires us, even DIY.
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Hi, I am Maz. Welcome to my blog/sanitarium.
Even though I am a fashion designer and completely in love with it, this is not a fashion blog.. Well, not completely.
I am a working mom & self-confessed recovering workaholic. I have a gorgeous 3-year old girl and I am currently pregnant with baby #2! I live in the Southern Suburbs in Cape Town with my crazy skateboarding & craft beer loving husband, our two weird cats and of course little miss Mikayla Rose.
This is a place where I can release my thoughts & I have plenty (good, weird, and probably bad!) I don’t want my head to explode, so this will be my outlet.
All posts are based on my personal opinions & experiences, so please feel free to leave a comment; we can only learn and grow from listening to what others have to say.
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A celebration of life, joy, music and success. The world through my eyes.
A focus on the best lifestyle, being a yummy mommy, working hard at your career and enjoying life and faith.
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38. Pink Hair Girl
I am a home schooling mom to 3 kids. I maintain my sanity by knitting and blogging. I design knitting patterns and have a video podcast about knitting and South Africa.
Pregnant in Cape Town began as my pregnancy diary and grew into “& everything after” with the birth of my first child, Charlotte Rose in February 2014. I share my honest reflections on my journey through pregnancy and parenthood with others in blog posts and on social media platforms.
40. Working Mother Warrior
Working Mother Warrior focuses on family and work issues as experienced by South African working mothers. The idea is to share information and act as an online support structure.
41. Like Mother Like Daughter
I blog about life in general, being a mom and anything that I may or may not love doing…..
42. Daniel and Tasco
Musing of a Mom, Wife and a Writer rolled into one!
I’m the mom who is always rushing off in one directions and it seems that my son, Daniel, has inherited those traits. So I write about him, our lives and our history. Although I work full time, I try spend as much time writing as possible.
I am the author of the children’s book series called The Adventures of Daniel and Tasco, based on the gallivanting of my son Daniel and his German Shepherd friend Tasco. People’s journey to writing has always been such an inspiration and it was always my dream to write about my own life and thoughts so I made it happen!
30-something Durban mum to 2 year old Ryder and wife to one X-box mad husband. Writing is a joy I’m slowly making more time for in between PR work and the general chaos of living with a little person. Motherhood was a happy fluke. A passionate lactivist. Working on bebe number 2. (Maybe).
44. For His Love
With the birth of my son began the hardest episode in my life: Postnatal Anxiety and Depression coupled with PPOCD. I started my blog to bring a lot more awereness of PND in South Africa. I needed this blog a long time ago, someone to tell me that I’m not alone…I searched and searched, and met beautiful women from the Netherlands, USA, China…all over the world. But none from my country, none in my culture. I cannot be the only one, not when 13% of women go through this. And so I share my story and journey to help others after me. It just might save somebody’s life.
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After dealing with infertility issues caused by PCOS, we came to the realization that we were being called to adoption. We decided to blog our journey for others to follow our progress, but also for those who are considering taking the leap into adoption to understand the process better and have a better understanding of the depth of emotion attached to it. We hope that our story inspires theirs…
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My blog is about my life, how I perceive people and situations, which products I love and why. My life and my family. Lifestyle & beauty blog if you may.
47. Ellie Love
My name is Caley Jade Rosenberg and I’m a 29 year old from Durban, South Africa.
I am a wife to the most amazing man in the world, MC and a mom to my little angel princesses, SJ (Sophie Jade) and EN (Ellie Nicole). We live in a small city off the East Coast of South Africa where the sun is always shining and the beach is so inviting.
I am a born and bred Durban girl – spending my school years here, my university days studying a BA in English and Communications, and then a Post Grad degree in Teaching and now being a stay-at-home mom (for now!)
I love to blog about my family and lifestyle – from marriage, parenting, teaching and our home to recipes, reviews, travel and new products.
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48. Clara’s Concept
I am a mother, wife, scientist, project manager, fashion and make up lover. A blogger who’s lifestyle reflects personality and fashion decorates it!
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My blog is about my life with twins and a husband and how I deal with every day life. My hobbies and what I love, my interests and fitness is all featured.
50. Durban Mom
I love a good Mommy blog. The world has millions of determined women telling their stories, sharing their crafts, showing their homes and inspiring bakers around the world.
This is my contribution to world of Mommy blogs. You won’t find advice or philosophical ramblings here, just some useful stuff I’m collecting during our wonderful journey in this beautiful city.
51. Heart Mama Blog
This is my personal blog of my journey as a ‘Heart Mama’ to my two precious pies. My heart is to start conversations around this topic and to make adoption more ‘normal’ by creating a network for adoptive moms to share their stories, be encouraged and also feel part of the ‘mommy community’.
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52. ChevsLife
Expecting the Unexpected!
53. Mother in the Making… Naturally
A mother of two, a wife of one and a stuart of a million dreams. I love to sing, I love to write, I love to read and I love to dance. I love to run, I love to travel, I love to learn history and I love to ride… Bicycles, horses and fast cars. This is mere touching at what the world has to offer… Isn’t life a joy ride… but nothing compares to the great honor and responsibility of caring for a child. This is my journey to becoming a mother, day by day, in the most possible natural way that I can manage at any given stage. Being a mother is almost like trying to be more and more like Jesus… its something you are striving for daily but you just never arrive! Every milestone in a child’s life is a new road on the existing journey of becoming a mother… Come join me on my journey of raising a family in the most natural possible way that you can manage at the given time in your life… it’s the time of our lives!
54. Juggling Mom
Welcome to the Juggling Mom blog, the wonderful, crazy chaos that encompasses motherhood for me. The full time juggling act of trying to raise two under 4′s well.
The place where I believe that doing ‘real’ (in all it’s glorious messiness) is the new ‘perfect’.
Writing is something that energizes me, and I started my blogging journey when my youngest, our daughter was born. This is my space where I share about the things that I am passionate about as well as the thoughts that I ponder about. I do a lot of pondering and a lot of laughing. The laughing is mostly at my own expense and it’s my number one tool in surviving life in general! So I guess this blog is part emotional, part humorous outlet for me.
I write about my life with my tornado of a toddler and I do reviews on things I’ve found useful. I also write about things I love like gaming, technology and travel.
56. What Happened to My Body
A little space in the big wide web where I can share all the ups downs and daily life journeys of the Thomas gang.
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57. Torn Jeans and Corporate Suits
I share my thoughts on issues around motherhood, women@work and relationships…
I live in a house with my husband Clint and our two sweet boys. Jesse is four years old and Jack is just over two. I am a busy, happy gal.
While I try to sneak in some quiet time, it is rarely quiet for long. As my leg is being pulled by a boy with chubby cheeks or while I am being ambushed by his big brother pleading with me to take him on a bike ride around the block, I often find myself longing for just a few more precious minutes. It’s a silly thing to do really – in the end, loving them fills my heart more than any project could.
What will you find on ‘ JUST FOUR MORE MINUTES ‘ ?
x DIY Projects
x Home Decor
x Recipes: My own & others
x Lunch box ideas
x Personal posts
x Organizational tips
x Products / People I love
Grab a cup of coffee & enjoy!
59. My Gifts From Above
I am a recent stay (and work) @ home mom. My oldest has special needs (lack of oxygen at birth) and my other lil man is a year younger (born 6 weeks prem and 3 days before his oldest brother’s 1st birthday). 2015 has seen both the boys starting school which has been a major adjustment (mostly for mom #sadface).
I love to try new things and share them on the blog, from new products to recipes and crafts (#pinterestobsessed).
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60. My Boys Hood
A fun space created for my boys, Calin (10) and Sashin (3), sharing our adventures, building memories, and posting our favourite things from forts, cooking to books.
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61. The Jozi WAHM’s Guide to Everything
A Johannesburg work from home mother of two shares her news, views and guidance on everything relating to work and play in the city of Johannesburg.
62. Overcoming Mom
Everyday mom with Kim & Matt. Born with a passion for kids, Bachelors Degree in teaching 0-9 years, teaching for years: clearly her dream of becoming a parent was only natural, but that all changed on the 8th day after little Matthew was born, the hurdles faced with PND, the road traveled and the happiness gained ….. Created the birth of blogging blogging with Kim&Matt. Enjoy a daily scoop of surviving PND, reality of parenting, fashion, food, God, friendships, family, and lots more.
63. Me.Im.A.Mama
A look at my journey through motherhood.
64. East Coast Life
I have just moved to the coastal town of Ballito and my blog now chronicles life in Ballito. There will be posts for people wanting to make the move to the coast and lots of posts about the fun things we as a family do. Restaurant and travel reviews on as regular a basis as our budget affords.
Stay at home mom of 3 (mostly well behaved) kids and wife of 1 husband, trying to remain sane and do well at this grown up businesss.
“If I fail at the parenting game, I’d like my straight jacket in hot pink please.”
66. Mommy Says
At Mommy Says we want to provide all Mom’s-to-be with a website that will answer as many of their questions as possible.
We also want to provide a safe place for Mom’s to chat with other mom’s who are going through similar experiences. You don’t need to chat, you could also just read about other mothers’ experiences as we have a bunch of real life stories. We hope to help every mother out there not to just feel better about themself as a mom, but just to help them get through the day. Motherhood isn’t always easy and it helps a lot to have someone to chat to. Especially someone who knows what you are going through and who is going through the same thing. Who knows… you might even pick up some helpful tips and tricks.
A lot of women struggle the first few days. I hope to provide them with a shoulder to cry on so to say. Not only does the blog offer advice, information and a safe place to chat, I also want to assist when it comes to buying baby related products.
I will be posting articles on a couple of subjects that a lot people don’t want to talk about or sometimes don’t even know of and I feel that you should know about and make informed decisions when it comes to your baby, your body and your family.
67. Because I Can
Humour, Wine and Chocolate… These are the things we need to make it out alive.
Give me all three and I will battle dragons, and win. And I will do it wearing a TUTU and TIARA!
Because at the end of it all, when people look at your headstone – It is the dash that is important … Not when we started or when we end. It is the dash inbetween.
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68. My Friend Thinks I’m Supermom
Honest ramblings about my life. Blogging is after all cheaper than therapy! This blog is about me taking life by the horns and dealing with it. I love all things local: food, fashion, fun and life. Reviews and Giveaways too.
69. Live Love Laugh
All about being a happily married mommy to two girlies, loving vino and chocolate, finding inspiration in beautiful quotes, doing arts and crafts, and my forever weight loss journey!
I blog about life as a wife, mom of 2, step mom to 1, music reviewer, experimental fashion tryer, lover of God and scholar of life.
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71. Legally Brunette & Curvy
My blog is a description of who I am. It is fairly new and it depicts things that are important to me. I have a special feature that I use to write letters to my sons in the hope that one day they will read them and when I am no longer on this earth, they always have words from me. I also write a bit about fashion and health, particularly the Tim Noakes banting lifestyle.
I’m a mom, I am real, I make mistakes, I cry, I stress and I laugh. I want my readers to see this from my blog.
I recently became stepmom to a gorgeous little girl. This has a lot of challenges, but so many joys too. I’m using the blog to appeal to others in a similar situation, to some extent, but also just to explore the activities, laughs, problems and many opinions involved in being a mom.
I work from home and am committed to a healthy, natural lifestyle as far as possible. So, I’d like for my crafts, remedies and recipes to have a‘green’ slant.
73. Bits and Pieces
A blog about life – the good, the bad, the games, the coffee, and the food.
74. Penelope & Bella
This blog is about my journey through life as a wife, mom to two, step mom to two and a career woman. I also offer occasional Pediatric advice as my husband is a pediatrician.
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I started my blog just after my boy, Jamie was born, writing about my experience as a mom… I can almost say it’s my mom-diary. My blog documents milestones and everything about Jamie and Shae and also serves as a bit of an online album as I love posting photographs of my gorgeous children.
76.Coffee at Claire’s
An atypical parenting blog. We parent. We drink wine. And we do those things at the same time.
I am not your cup of comfortable tea. I shoot from the hip. I say it straight. It gets me into trouble, but it also got me this far.
My mother always told me to watch my mouth. And that having a blog and a twitter account is probably not the wisest idea considering I do in fact have a big mouth.
But I know who I am and it is time the rest of you know too. My name will be printed on the spine of many books.
I do not follow the herd. I stand alone. I am fiercely independent. I am a unique person in a world of simple copycats. If you need an antidote for generic – I am it. (Ok so I adapted this off my favourite restaurant menu, but big ups to OMB!)
I am…
A parent. A writer. A friend.
77.Ferocious Haven
I blog about things I love food, photography,beauty , products reviews and many more
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Musings of a woman, wife, mother of 4, runner, blogger, bakestress, lover of sweets and chocolates, inhabitant of Joburg. I am here. I am alive, searching for the More that there must be.
Hello! My name is Yasmin, creator of the South African mommy blog, Pretty Please Mommy. I am a working mom in the corporate world by day and a nurturing juggler by night. I reside in Johannesburg with my partner (Wesley) and our 2 kids (Zako and Xia).
Zako and Xia are my world. They light up my life and make me smile daily for no specific reason. They make me believe in magic and miracles. I am far from being the perfect mom, I make mistakes (all the time), I miss being able to sleep late, but one thing’s for sure – the lessons I learn from them are invaluable. They have opened my eyes up to the beauty of living.
I hope you enjoy it!
80. Mommy and Bobby
I am a single mother who is raising a 8 month old baby girl so I share all my thoughts and feelings regarding that- and I inspire all other single mothers.
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81. Date Nights
Having been married for nearly 9 years with 2 kids in tow, I know how hard it is to keep the romance alive in a relationship. Although I like to think I have a solid marriage and a really wonderful husband, with the pressures and stress of our daily lives as parents, I can see how easy it is to become like ‘ships passing in the night’. If we don’t put in continuous effort to keep that flame burning, it can easily fizzle out. One way of keeping the love alive is by making the time to connect with each other.
Date Nights is about remembering and helping you to connect with your loved one. About having the best relationship you can have. Not when the kids are older or you’ve reached a certain point in your career…right now! At Date Nights I will bring you ideas, great deals, inspiration and more to help you with your journey. And as I embark on this journey with you, I will also share my thoughts and feelings as I commit to going on date nights once a week.
82. Shell Shocked Mummy
Shell Shocked Mummy is the place I retreat to, to combine the things I love. My family, My love for the written word and my love of life.
I chronicle my life journey with a strong focus on adoption. My hope for Shell Shocked Mummy is to entertain, inspire or to provoke conversations around the things that I am passionate about.
You are likely to find parenting stories but never parenting advice because I am the most clueless mom you will ever meet. I am in the trenches trying to do the best I can at parenting and at life.
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83. The Mom Diaries
The mom diaries is a blog about raising two little boys and all the mess in between. Like the name states it is a way I as a mom can record all my stories of motherhood : The things my kids teach me and the journey motherhood has taken me on. It’s all a way of connecting with other moms who are are going through similar things and who are looking for a place to commiserate over all the crazy stuff motherhood throws at us.