Musing of a Mom, Wife and a Writer rolled into one!
I’m the mom who is always rushing off in one directions and it seems that my son, Daniel, has inherited those traits. So I write about him, our lives and our history. Although I work full time, I try spend as much time writing as possible.
I am the author of the children’s book series called The Adventures of Daniel and Tasco, based on the gallivanting of my son Daniel and his German Shepherd friend Tasco. People’s journey to writing has always been such an inspiration and it was always my dream to write about my own life and thoughts so I made it happen!
I’m Jozi born and bred and recently my family and I made the journey home to Israel. My blog is about my daily life, my kids, the recipes I discover and make up and our adventures in a new country
- Lady Gretchen
South African living in Germany. Wife to a German, mum to 1 sassy little Mouse. Amateur Baker and Chef who occasionally blogs.