Motherhood after infertility: I blog about my long awaited son, born June 2012. Toddler trials, SA life and I like to read books on parenting and infertility. I am a qualified Montessori teacher and have a degree in psychology.
2. Monsters Ed Homeschool Academy
I have been homeschooling since 2008. I am a mom of 4 (1 in the system and 3 homeschooled) and wife to Steven
3. The Erudite Mom
I am a single mother to a beautiful boy, and I’m loving it. I am an info junkie, my blog is where I share all my research. I follow a natural / attachment parenting philosophy, and am passionate about breastfeeding.
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4. Exclusive Pumpers South Africa
I am mommy to an amazing little girl. She was never able to latch onto the breast as a baby so I chose to exclusively pump instead of formula feeding. My blog is a support structure for moms who pump, be it exclusively or occasionally for work. I have breast pump reviews, tips and tricks and loads of links to important information for moms who pump.
5. Baby Blog
Megan Kelly Botha is the author of both a Beauty Blog and Baby Blog.
I am passionate about all things beauty and fashion related and spend most of my time reviewing and trying new products before sharing my experiences here, on my blog.
When I am not blogging, I am recording tutorials while juggling life as a new mom, on a farm with too many dogs and a very adventurous cat by my side, to help with the 300 cows!
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6. Randomly Ruminating
For a long time I have debated (with myself of course) whether to do this or not. Am I going to offend my family and friends? Will I be locked up in a padded cell and the key thrown away?
The reality is I feel like I am from a different planet and for so many years I have desperately tried to fit in, succeeded for a short while and failed.
I am a wife (2nd time) to a wonderful man, Dave. I have 2 sons one of whom is married. Dave has a son and a daughter both married. Between us we have 6 grandchildren.
A few years ago I did an exercise to establish my core principles and one of them was that I need to be authentic. The real ME!
So here I am. I am going to share my hopes and fears, my travels, my work, my ADHD, which was only diagnosed at 51, my attempts at writing fiction and non-fiction, my views on politics, business, sex, relationships, money, religion and anything else that comes to mind.
As much of my work involves working with ADHD families I am passionate about the turbulent relationships ADDers have and our daily struggles to cope as parents and in the workplace.
Sometimes I start a post, lose interest and move on. Well that is how my posts will be. Sometimes there is only a headline and then I can’t think how to express myself. I may come back to it a week, a month, a year later – perhaps never.
Serious, sarky, humorous, angry, ironic or sad I will share my thoughts.
This is the real ME and I am so looking forward to this new venture.
Mommy of a primary school girl, fraternal twin boys, two elderly labrador girls and one lively labrador boy, Wife of a wonderful man, Daughter and Architect. Juggling the craziness of life.
8. Muse Lee Mom
I’ve just started blogging. It’s a bit of a mismatch of things, homeschool stuff will pop up as will photography stuff, home mom stuff and basically a bit of every, just like a good muesli.
I am a Cape Town based mom, with one boy, he is currently 5. He is a special needs boy and I homeschool him.
I am a photographer, children and families when I’m not being a mom 🙂
What happens if you throw polka dots, cappuccinos, books or a kindle, a toddler who is super clever and prone to allergies and talks as much as her mama, a divorced single mom, a crazy crafty side and a frugal side of note, a mom trying to wrap her head around Motherhood and a lack of sleep and a people’s person who has a thing for cute egg timers and owls? Well me of course! I’m getting through all the insane and crazy bits of life, one step at a time!
10. The Dummy Mommy
My blog is about being a mom, wife, full time employee and running a charity. All the fun things that go with that too.
Wife, mother, writer, bookworm, recovering chocoholic. Belongs to Jesus. Blogs about marriage, parenting, family and faith.
12. Toppie se Vrou
I’m a 28 year old mother of 3 kiddies, aged 5, 3 & almost 2.
I’m a work-from-home, stay-at-home mom with a small accounting business.
I love my life, my kids and my Toppie, my wonderful husband of almost 5 years now.
My kids….
Calum Daniel: My Miracle child, born on my birthday and survivor despite all the odds being against him. We had a difficult, emotional, roller coaster pregnancy with him, Wrap-around placenta (the start of placenta pervia) and numerous almost miscarriages.
Coel Jacob: My Happy child, born 4 days ahead of schedule, by surprising us and making me go into labour early. Always smiling, i can never be cross with him. He’s friendly and happy.
Codi-Beth: Our little Tiny Princess, new to the world. Growing everyday
My Toppie…..
My husband, my grump, the love of my life.
13. Pink Hair Girl
I am a home schooling mom to 3 kids. I maintain my sanity by knitting and blogging. I design knitting patterns and have a video podcast about knitting and South Africa.
Pregnant in Cape Town began as my pregnancy diary and grew into “& everything after” with the birth of my first child, Charlotte Rose in February 2014. I share my honest reflections on my journey through pregnancy and parenthood with others in blog posts and on social media platforms.
15. Working Mother Warrior
Working Mother Warrior focuses on family and work issues as experienced by South African working mothers. The idea is to share information and act as an online support structure.
16. Daniel and Tasco
Musing of a Mom, Wife and a Writer rolled into one!
I’m the mom who is always rushing off in one directions and it seems that my son, Daniel, has inherited those traits. So I write about him, our lives and our history. Although I work full time, I try spend as much time writing as possible.
I am the author of the children’s book series called The Adventures of Daniel and Tasco, based on the gallivanting of my son Daniel and his German Shepherd friend Tasco. People’s journey to writing has always been such an inspiration and it was always my dream to write about my own life and thoughts so I made it happen!
17. For His Love
With the birth of my son began the hardest episode in my life: Postnatal Anxiety and Depression coupled with PPOCD. I started my blog to bring a lot more awereness of PND in South Africa. I needed this blog a long time ago, someone to tell me that I’m not alone…I searched and searched, and met beautiful women from the Netherlands, USA, China…all over the world. But none from my country, none in my culture. I cannot be the only one, not when 13% of women go through this. And so I share my story and journey to help others after me. It just might save somebody’s life.
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After dealing with infertility issues caused by PCOS, we came to the realization that we were being called to adoption. We decided to blog our journey for others to follow our progress, but also for those who are considering taking the leap into adoption to understand the process better and have a better understanding of the depth of emotion attached to it. We hope that our story inspires theirs…
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19. Mother in the Making… Naturally
A mother of two, a wife of one and a stuart of a million dreams. I love to sing, I love to write, I love to read and I love to dance. I love to run, I love to travel, I love to learn history and I love to ride… Bicycles, horses and fast cars. This is mere touching at what the world has to offer… Isn’t life a joy ride… but nothing compares to the great honor and responsibility of caring for a child. This is my journey to becoming a mother, day by day, in the most possible natural way that I can manage at any given stage. Being a mother is almost like trying to be more and more like Jesus… its something you are striving for daily but you just never arrive! Every milestone in a child’s life is a new road on the existing journey of becoming a mother… Come join me on my journey of raising a family in the most natural possible way that you can manage at the given time in your life… it’s the time of our lives!
20. Torn Jeans and Corporate Suits
I share my thoughts on issues around motherhood, women@work and relationships…
21. Overcoming Mom
Everyday mom with Kim & Matt. Born with a passion for kids, Bachelors Degree in teaching 0-9 years, teaching for years: clearly her dream of becoming a parent was only natural, but that all changed on the 8th day after little Matthew was born, the hurdles faced with PND, the road traveled and the happiness gained ….. Created the birth of blogging blogging with Kim&Matt. Enjoy a daily scoop of surviving PND, reality of parenting, fashion, food, God, friendships, family, and lots more.
22. The Jozi WAHM’s Guide to Everything
A Johannesburg work from home mother of two shares her news, views and guidance on everything relating to work and play in the city of Johannesburg.
23. My Gifts From Above
I am a recent stay (and work) @ home mom. My oldest has special needs (lack of oxygen at birth) and my other lil man is a year younger (born 6 weeks prem and 3 days before his oldest brother’s 1st birthday). 2015 has seen both the boys starting school which has been a major adjustment (mostly for mom #sadface).
I love to try new things and share them on the blog, from new products to recipes and crafts (#pinterestobsessed).
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24. Hands-On Moms
Hands-on Moms is a handy resource aimed specifically at South African moms and dads. We feature DIYs, news and articles relating to pregnancy, child development, breastfeeding and more!
Being a fledgling blog (Est. 2015), we are still in the process of filling our pages with content. But with new articles every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday – you are sure to find that we will be leaving the nest in style shortly.
25.Simply Balanced Beginnings
My blog, Simply Balanced Beginnings, is an online parenting resource for thinking parents. I aim to inform parents on the choices presented to them during pregnancy and parenting, and to empower them to then make informed decisions based on the knowledge they have.
I practice and support breastfeeding, attachment parenting, baby led weaning, baby wearing, and loving a conscious eco friendly life. My blog therefore covers all of these topics and aims to keep parents informed and empowered on all topics pregnancy, birth, and parenting related.
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26.Coffee at Claire’s
An atypical parenting blog. We parent. We drink wine. And we do those things at the same time.
I am not your cup of comfortable tea. I shoot from the hip. I say it straight. It gets me into trouble, but it also got me this far.
My mother always told me to watch my mouth. And that having a blog and a twitter account is probably not the wisest idea considering I do in fact have a big mouth.
But I know who I am and it is time the rest of you know too. My name will be printed on the spine of many books.
I do not follow the herd. I stand alone. I am fiercely independent. I am a unique person in a world of simple copycats. If you need an antidote for generic – I am it. (Ok so I adapted this off my favourite restaurant menu, but big ups to OMB!)
I am…
A parent. A writer. A friend.
27. The Mom Diaries
The mom diaries is a blog about raising two little boys and all the mess in between. Like the name states it is a way I as a mom can record all my stories of motherhood : The things my kids teach me and the journey motherhood has taken me on. It’s all a way of connecting with other moms who are are going through similar things and who are looking for a place to commiserate over all the crazy stuff motherhood throws at us.