My name is Charlene, and I’m a full time mom to Zee, the most incredible little person on the planet. I love shopping, traveling, chocolate, reading, and music (no specific genre, if its good, I’ll play it at full blast and sing along!). I’ve been married to an amazing, loving man for 9 years. While hubby is at work, my day consists of teddy bear tea parties, cartoons, princess dress up, driving to ballet lessons, mommy-daughter milkshake dates, and reading fairy tales. Oh yes, and in between all that, I squeeze in a bit of cooking and cleaning too. I love this mommy gig, tantrum-filled moments and all.
I blog about style and fashion – what I’m wearing, what Zee is wearing, and sometimes the weird or wonderful outfits celebs are wearing. I blog about places we’ve been, food we’ve tried, things we’ve seen.
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2. 3 Kids, 2 Dogs and 1 Old House
I’m Cindy, the author/blog slave behind 3 Kids, 2 Dogs and 1 Old House.
Although I may be the one writing it – my handsome, hipster husband Seth, our beautiful daughters Kyla (4) and Riya (3) and our long awaited little boy Knox (1) are the reason that I started (and continue) to blog. Capturing our life together in a fun and interesting way is really important to me – I’m always hoping that they will go back and read it one day.
We are all about good coffee, wine and chocolate, kids crafts, grain/dairy free yummy food, gorgeous kids clothes, DIY projects that make our house more of a home, throw in some tattoos and the love to just spend time together as a family exploring what Cape Town (and South Africa) have available to us and that would just about sum us up – sort of. While all those things are awesome and fun I want to always be real about parenting being super rewarding but also really challenging.
3. Monsters Ed Homeschool Academy
I have been homeschooling since 2008. I am a mom of 4 (1 in the system and 3 homeschooled) and wife to Steven.
Journey with me as I make a career change towards making a difference in the lives of women and their families here in Durban, South Africa.
Music loving, wine sipping, book whore! 40+ Adoptive Mom x2, newbie runner, blogger & fat girl slim with #lchf!
6. se7en
We are a homeschooling family with “Se7en + 1″ kids living in Cape Town, South Africa. We are a lifestyle blog, representing all things family. We blog about our life and times: arts and crafts; books we are reading; homeschooling and organising a family with eight kids. We love blogging about Cape Town, outings and adventures that we encounter in our day to day life. We also write about parenting and our wandering journey of raising our eight kids, ranging from tots to teens.
I’m a 28 year old mother of 3 kiddies, aged 5, 3 & almost 2.
I’m a work-from-home, stay-at-home mom with a small accounting business.
I love my life, my kids and my Toppie, my wonderful husband of almost 5 years now.
My kids….
Calum Daniel: My Miracle child, born on my birthday and survivor despite all the odds being against him. We had a difficult, emotional, roller coaster pregnancy with him, Wrap-around placenta (the start of placenta pervia) and numerous almost miscarriages.
Coel Jacob: My Happy child, born 4 days ahead of schedule, by surprising us and making me go into labour early. Always smiling, i can never be cross with him. He’s friendly and happy.
Codi-Beth: Our little Tiny Princess, new to the world. Growing everyday
My Toppie…..
My husband, my grump, the love of my life.
8. Like Mother Like Daughter
I blog about life in general, being a mom and anything that I may or may not love doing…..
9. What Happened to My Body
A little space in the big wide web where I can share all the ups downs and daily life journeys of the Thomas gang.
Twitter Pinterest Instagram
10. East Coast Life
I have just moved to the coastal town of Ballito and my blog now chronicles life in Ballito. There will be posts for people wanting to make the move to the coast and lots of posts about the fun things we as a family do. Restaurant and travel reviews on as regular a basis as our budget affords.
Stay at home mom of 3 (mostly well behaved) kids and wife of 1 husband, trying to remain sane and do well at this grown up businesss.
“If I fail at the parenting game, I’d like my straight jacket in hot pink please.”
12. My Friend Thinks I’m Supermom
Honest ramblings about my life. Blogging is after all cheaper than therapy! This blog is about me taking life by the horns and dealing with it. I love all things local: food, fashion, fun and life. Reviews and Giveaways too.
13.Ferocious Haven
I blog about things I love food, photography,beauty , products reviews and many more