1. MomAgain@40
Working Mom over 40.
Toddler turned Preschooler.
Add student.
Juggling the rat race in Johannesburg.
Attached to my iPad.
Technology changing parenting and education! Loving it!
2. Muse Lee Mom
I’ve just started blogging. It’s a bit of a mismatch of things, homeschool stuff will pop up as will photography stuff, home mom stuff and basically a bit of every, just like a good muesli.
I am a Cape Town based mom, with one boy, he is currently 5. He is a special needs boy and I homeschool him.
I am a photographer, children and families when I’m not being a mom 🙂
3. 4aKid
4aKid blog consists of a mix of Ally Cohen’s interests like baking, cooking, parenting etc as well as 4aKid’s products, competition and trends.
4. se7en
We are a homeschooling family with “Se7en + 1″ kids living in Cape Town, South Africa. We are a lifestyle blog, representing all things family. We blog about our life and times: arts and crafts; books we are reading; homeschooling and organising a family with eight kids. We love blogging about Cape Town, outings and adventures that we encounter in our day to day life. We also write about parenting and our wandering journey of raising our eight kids, ranging from tots to teens.
My blog is about my life, how I perceive people and situations, which products I love and why. My life and my family. Lifestyle & beauty blog if you may.
6. My Gifts From Above
I am a recent stay (and work) @ home mom. My oldest has special needs (lack of oxygen at birth) and my other lil man is a year younger (born 6 weeks prem and 3 days before his oldest brother’s 1st birthday). 2015 has seen both the boys starting school which has been a major adjustment (mostly for mom #sadface).
I love to try new things and share them on the blog, from new products to recipes and crafts (#pinterestobsessed).
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7. Legally Brunette & Curvy
My blog is a description of who I am. It is fairly new and it depicts things that are important to me. I have a special feature that I use to write letters to my sons in the hope that one day they will read them and when I am no longer on this earth, they always have words from me. I also write a bit about fashion and health, particularly the Tim Noakes banting lifestyle.
I’m a mom, I am real, I make mistakes, I cry, I stress and I laugh. I want my readers to see this from my blog.
Modern Zulu Mom is a blog that aims to link modern parenting with culture and traditions. Blogging from a young, single working moms perspective.
Musings of a woman, wife, mother of 4, runner, blogger, bakestress, lover of sweets and chocolates, inhabitant of Joburg. I am here. I am alive, searching for the More that there must be.
10.Date Nights
Having been married for nearly 9 years with 2 kids in tow, I know how hard it is to keep the romance alive in a relationship. Although I like to think I have a solid marriage and a really wonderful husband, with the pressures and stress of our daily lives as parents, I can see how easy it is to become like ‘ships passing in the night’. If we don’t put in continuous effort to keep that flame burning, it can easily fizzle out. One way of keeping the love alive is by making the time to connect with each other.
Date Nights is about remembering and helping you to connect with your loved one. About having the best relationship you can have. Not when the kids are older or you’ve reached a certain point in your career…right now! At Date Nights I will bring you ideas, great deals, inspiration and more to help you with your journey. And as I embark on this journey with you, I will also share my thoughts and feelings as I commit to going on date nights once a week.