1. Becoming You
I’m a lifestyle & family blogger covering a variety of topics including travel, beauty, style, fashion, family, interiors, photography, inspiration! I work from home as an online writer in social media and am a mom of 2!
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2. se7en
We are a homeschooling family with “Se7en + 1″ kids living in Cape Town, South Africa. We are a lifestyle blog, representing all things family. We blog about our life and times: arts and crafts; books we are reading; homeschooling and organising a family with eight kids. We love blogging about Cape Town, outings and adventures that we encounter in our day to day life. We also write about parenting and our wandering journey of raising our eight kids, ranging from tots to teens.
3. It’s Not Just Words
My destiny is not a place or an event, it is a path that God has chosen for me to follow. I am a work in progress and even though I may stumble and fall, by His grace I will get to where I am going. I am a daughter, a sister, a wife and a mother. Taking each day as it comes and learning from my mistakes. I blog about anything and everything….mainly life lessons along the way.
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A celebration of life, joy, music and success. The world through my eyes.
A focus on the best lifestyle, being a yummy mommy, working hard at your career and enjoying life and faith.
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I blog about life as a wife, mom of 2, step mom to 1, music reviewer, experimental fashion tryer, lover of God and scholar of life.
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6. My Friend Thinks I’m Supermom
Honest ramblings about my life. Blogging is after all cheaper than therapy! This blog is about me taking life by the horns and dealing with it. I love all things local: food, fashion, fun and life. Reviews and Giveaways too.