1. Harassed Mom
Most days I am consumed by the mundane chaos of every day life with baby girl, a toddler who has an obsession with climbing, a kid who lives in Never never land and an over achieving tween, a ADHD dog, an over stressed bird and a triathlon obsessed husband.
2. se7en
We are a homeschooling family with “Se7en + 1″ kids living in Cape Town, South Africa. We are a lifestyle blog, representing all things family. We blog about our life and times: arts and crafts; books we are reading; homeschooling and organising a family with eight kids. We love blogging about Cape Town, outings and adventures that we encounter in our day to day life. We also write about parenting and our wandering journey of raising our eight kids, ranging from tots to teens.
3. It’s Not Just Words
My destiny is not a place or an event, it is a path that God has chosen for me to follow. I am a work in progress and even though I may stumble and fall, by His grace I will get to where I am going. I am a daughter, a sister, a wife and a mother. Taking each day as it comes and learning from my mistakes. I blog about anything and everything….mainly life lessons along the way.
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I am a home schooling mom to 3 kids. I maintain my sanity by knitting and blogging. I design knitting patterns and have a video podcast about knitting and South Africa.
5. My Boys Hood
A fun space created for my boys, Calin (10) and Sashin (3), sharing our adventures, building memories, and posting our favourite things from forts, cooking to books.
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I recently became stepmom to a gorgeous little girl. This has a lot of challenges, but so many joys too. I’m using the blog to appeal to others in a similar situation, to some extent, but also just to explore the activities, laughs, problems and many opinions involved in being a mom.
I work from home and am committed to a healthy, natural lifestyle as far as possible. So, I’d like for my crafts, remedies and recipes to have a‘green’ slant.
Ramblings of an aspiring Muslim. Pondering out loud about how to live in this world whilst trying to achieve for the hereafter.
This blog is about my journey through life as a wife, mom to two, step mom to two and a career woman. I also offer occasional Pediatric advice as my husband is a pediatrician.
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